You may include the z/OS System Symbols in your CA MIM statements in the MIMPARMS data set.
Note: For a description of the defined z/OS System Symbols, or for more information on creating installation defined symbols, see the chapter on sharing PARMLIB definitions in the current IBM z/OS Initialization and Tuning Reference publication.
For example, to define a unique checkpoint data set prefix value on the MIMINIT statement without having to qualify individual systems with IFSYS/ENDIF statements, specify the following:
In the preceding example, the checkpoint data set prefix resolves to a unique data set prefix on each system where CA MIM is started, as long as the &SYSCLONE. symbol is uniquely defined to z/OS on each system.
Any operator command that is directed cross-system through CA MIC and that contains a system symbolic substitutable value in the command text is resolved on the target system, rather than the source system.
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