This chapter provides an overview of the rules for specifying statements and issuing commands in CA MIM.
This chapter discusses the MIMPARMS data set. The MIMPARMS data set contains parameter values that CA MIM uses as input during product initialization to define the characteristics of the MIMplex. You specify the MIMPARMS data set on the //MIMPARMS DD statement in the JCL procedure used to start CA MIM. A sample MIMPARMS data set is installed with the CA MIM product into data set CAI.CBTDPARM.
This chapter also discusses the MIMMSGS data set. The MIMMSGS data set is used by the CA MIM Message Facility, which allows you to customize CA MIM message text and routing attributes, such as routing and descriptor codes. You specify the MIMMSGS data set on the //MIMMSGS DD statement in the JCL procedure used to start CA MIM. A sample MIMMSGS data set is installed with the CA MIM product into data set CAI.CBTDMSEN.
This section contains the following topics:
How You Specify Statements and Commands in MIMPARMS and MIMMSGS
How You Abbreviate and Truncate Statements and Commands
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