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How You Direct Statements and Commands to Designated Systems

You can execute a block of statements or commands on a subset of the systems in your complex. To do this, use IFSYS and ENDIF statements to indicate which systems should execute the enclosed set of statements or commands.

Use the IFSYS statement to mark the beginning of a block of statements or commands. You need to specify the system aliases, system names, or index numbers of the systems that should execute the block of statements or commands on your IFSYS statement. For example, you would specify IFSYS SYS1 to execute the block of statements or commands only on system SYS1. Use the ENDIF statement to mark the end of that block.

You can specify IFSYS and ENDIF statements in any member of the MIMPARMS and MIMMSGS data sets. Because you can specify these statements in the MIMSYNCH member, you can direct even z/OS and JES commands to different systems in your complex. However, we recommend that you never enclose CTCPATH or DEFSYS statements in an IFSYS/ENDIF statement block; all systems need to examine these statements.

For example, suppose that you want to activate the TRACE feature on system 01, but not on systems 02 and 03. To do this, you could specify the following statements and commands in the MIMCMNDS member:

IFSYS 02,03