To issue CA MIM commands using the z/OS MODIFY command, specify the following information in order:
For example, to issue the SETOPTION SVCDUMP=NO command through the z/OS MODIFY command to the started-task named MIMGR, use this format:
Important! If you are running the different components of CA MIM as separate started tasks, then We recommend that you do not name any of them MIM. If you specify MIM on a MODIFY command, then all CA MIM started tasks (rather than a single CA MIM started task) execute the command. For example, if you issue the command F MIM,SHUTDOWN, then all started tasks for CA MIM terminate.
CA MIM checks the MCS command authorization level assigned to your console or TSO user ID when you issue a CA MIM command.
Note: Authorization is not checked for commands or statements specified in the MIMPARMS data set.
You need to have informational command authority (that is, INFO-level authority) to issue display-type commands such as DISPLAY, EDITEST, and HELP. All other commands require system control authority (that is, SYS-level authority). TSO users generally do not have SYS-level authority. These authority levels are defaults. You can use the MIMCMDXT exit routine to prevent certain commands from being issued on the local system or to other systems (when GCMF is running), or to authorize TSO users to issue CA MIM commands that require SYS-level authority.
You can also use the DISABLE command to prevent anyone from issuing a designated CA MIM command.
You can control access to commands through command validation using operating system security software through the system authorization facility (SAF) interface.
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