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(MIM) DISABLE Statement-Disable a Command

The DISABLE statement lets you disable a CA MIM command. Any command can be disabled, and individual operands can be disabled on the DISPLAY, DUMP, GLOBALVALUE, SETOPTION, and SETTRACE commands. Disabled commands and operands cannot be restored by any command, but become available again once CA MIM is restarted. The DISABLE command is typically used to prevent system operators or TSO users from issuing specific CA MIM commands.

This statement has the following format:

DISABLE command
        command [facility] operand

Disables an entire command. For example, DISABLE SETOPTION disables the SETOPTION command and all of its operands for all CA MIM facilities.

command [facility] operand

Disables an operand of the specified command. For example, the command DISABLE DISPLAY GTAF ALL disables the ALL operand on the DISPLAY command for the GTAF facility, but leaves ALL in use as an operand for other CA MIM DISPLAY commands. You do not need to specify facility for unique operands, but it should be used when the same operand is defined for a number of facilities.

Note: When you disable an operand for the SETTRACE command, it is automatically disabled for the SETPRINT, RESETTRACE, and RESETPRINT options.

Usage Notes: DISABLE Statement

Examples: DISABLE Statement