The DISPLAY MIM command lets you display information about the status of the MIMplex and operating characteristics of CA MIM.
Scope: Local
This command has the following format:
Displays all status and activity information about CA MIM, except for CPOOL, MODULE, and TASK information.
(Optional) Displays a list of all valid CA MIM commands and command aliases. The display does not show any commands or aliases for commands that have been disabled through the DISABLE command. Also, it shows commands only for active CA MIM facilities. Information about commands is displayed in message MIM0056, and information about command aliases is shown in MIM0053.
Displays information about CA MIM cell pool storage usage. This information is displayed in message MIM0447. Specify one of these values:
Requests information about virtual storage cell pools. Valid values are:
mask--Display any cell pool that matches the name mask provided. You can use the * and # wildcard characters.
The asterisk (*) means that a match occurs for any names containing the characters preceding the asterisk. The pound sign (#) means that a match occurs for the name provided, and names containing any characters located where the # is placed in the name string.
NONZERO--Display those cell pools that currently have cells allocated.
ALL--Display all defined cell pools.
Requests information about the virtual storage pool areas from which cell pools are allocated. Specify one of these values:
YES-Display information about the virtual storage pool areas.
NO-Omit information about the virtual storage pool areas.
Default: YES
Displays information about general CP and zIIP engine time usage by units of work associated with the MIM address space.
CA MIM displays a single-line total CPU utilization summary of MIM address space units of work.
CA MIM displays detailed CPU utilization information for MIM tasks that can offload work to zIIP engines.
CA MIM displays CPU utilization information for MIM tasks that can offload work to zIIP engines, and MIM tasks that cannot offload work to zIIP engines.
CA MIM resets the CPU utilization statistics after displaying the current values. Subsequently, the DISPLAY CPUTIME command will display only CPU utilization statistics since the DISPLAY CPUTIME=RESET command was issued.
Default: SUMMARY
This parameter is currently outdated, but it has been retained for compatibility purposes.
More information:
PATH parameter
(Optional) Displays the exit name, load module name, status, and other information about all active exit routines. However, if you specify a logical name for an exit routine in place of the exitid variable, then CA MIM displays information for only the specified exit routine. If you do not enter a value for exitid, then information is displayed about every routine that has ever been loaded.
(Optional) Displays information about CA MIM facilities that are active on the local system and what service level you are running on each facility. This information is displayed in message MIM0090I.
(Optional) Displays the name and status (active or inactive) of each selectable feature that is supported by the active facilities. This information is displayed in message MIM0670I.
(Optional) Displays information about the status of CA MIM control files and checkpoint files. Control file information is displayed in message MIM0102I, and checkpoint file information is displayed in message MIM0104I.
(Optional) Displays the current values of the CA MIM GLOBALVALUE parameters, which provide details about your virtual control file recovery and master selection options. This information is displayed in message MIM0373.
The display shows the VCFMASTER candidate list in effect. Systems marked with an asterisk (*) are permanently ineligible because they are not connected to one or more other systems through CTC paths. Systems marked with a minus sign (-) are temporarily ineligible because they are currently unable to communicate with one or more systems.
Note: If GLOBALVALUE ANYELIGIBLE=YES was specified on a MIMINIT statement, then the display also includes eligible master systems not in the VCFMASTER candidate list.
Displays statistics about Virtual Control File activity on the Master system. Without any options, CA MIM displays the statistics that have accumulated since the last time CA MIM was started.
To reset the counters, issue the command D HYPERSTAR=RESET. When you issue the next D HYPERSTAR command, CA MIM displays more lines including the statistics that have accumulated since you last reset the counters. This information is displayed in message MIM 0951I.
Displays information about the initialization values that can be set through the MIMINIT statement, in the PARM field of the startup procedure, or as an operand on the z/OS START command that invokes CA MIM. This information is displayed in message MIM0037. You can change the values displayed only by updating the MIMINIT parmlib member and restarting CA MIM.
Displays statistics about CA MIM control file and checkpoint file I/O activity. Control file information is displayed in message MIM0039. Checkpoint file information is displayed in message MIM0107.
Without any operands, CA MIM displays the statistics that have accumulated for both file types since the last time CA MIM was started. To obtain statistics for control files only, specify D IO=CF. To obtain statistics for checkpoint files only, specify D IO=CHKPT.
To reset the counters, issue the command D IO=RESET. When you issue the next D IO command, CA MIM displays an additional line that includes the statistics that have accumulated since you last reset the counters.
It is also possible to perform a reset for each individual file type.
Displays status information about the CA MIM message and trace logs. Each log file is listed separately. See message MIM8850I.
(Optional) Tells CA MIM to display information about the CA MIM product in general, rather than about a specific facility.
Specify this operand before the ALL, INIT, OPTIONS, or STATISTICS operands. You also should specify the MIM operand before any other operand that is truncated in such a way that it may be ambiguous with operands for other facilities. Because MIM is a positional operand, you must specify it before any other operand on this command.
Displays information about all modules loaded by CA MIM. Optionally, to tailor the requested display, a module name mask can be supplied with this operand to display specific load modules. Specify one of these values:
Specifies the name for any load module that matches the name mask provided. You can use the * and # wildcard characters.
The asterisk (*) means that a match occurs for any names containing the characters preceding the asterisk. The pound sign (#) means that a match occurs for the name provided, and names containing any characters located where the # is placed in the name string.
Displays information about all CSECTs in the requested module. If this is omitted, then no CSECT information is presented in the module display. The CSECT information display can be limited through the use of a CSECT name mask. It only has meaning for CA MIM load modules.
Note: You must specify CSECT to display routines.
Requests that individual subroutine information be formatted and displayed with CSECT information. It only has meaning when the CSECT operand is requested.
(Optional) Displays information about each message table (original or replacement). The name, language, and number of messages per table/language are displayed for each message table.
(Optional) Displays information about the CA MIM operating values that can be set through the SETOPTION command. These are the operating values that affect more than one CA MIM facility. This information is displayed in message MIM0038. The values displayed can be dynamically changed using the SETOPTION command.
Displays the operating system level, SMF ID, and system name for the z/OS operating system currently running.
Displays information about VCF (CTC and XCF) paths and details about cross-system communications paths for virtual control file processing. This information is displayed in message MIM0176. By default, CA MIM displays information that it gathered from the last time you started CA MIM. If you want to reset the counters, issue the command D PATH=RESET. Issuing the next D PATH command displays accumulated statistics from the last counter reset and the counts after the initialization.
Displays information about the status of systems. This information is displayed in message MIM0108I (and MIM6003, when ICMF systems are displayed). Specify one of these values:
Displays information for all systems (both CTC/DASD and ICMF).
Displays information for all CTC/DASD systems only (excluding ICMF).
Displays information for all ICMF systems (which excludes CTC/DASD).
Default: ALL
Displays information about CA MIM service subtasks. Optionally, to tailor the requested display, a subtask name mask can be supplied with this operand to request specific subtasks. You can use the * and # wildcard characters (described previously).
Displays statistics about XCF communications. This information is displayed in message MIM0460I. By default, CA MIM displays information it gathered since the last time it was started. If you want to reset the counters, then issue the following command:
When you issue the next D XCFSTATS command, statistics that have accumulated since you last reset the counters, as well as the counts since initialization, are displayed.
Default: OPTIONS
Usage Notes: DISPLAY MIM Command
Example: DISPLAY Command
To display the current initialization and operating values and other information for all CA MIM facilities, issue this command:
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