The DISPLAY EDIF command lets you display information about the status and activities of the EDIF.
Scope: Local
This command has the following format:
DISPLAY EDIF [{ALL | [DATASET=dsname] [DEFAULT] [DSORG=organization] [INIT] [OPTIONS] [PATTERN=pattern] [PREFIX=prefix] [STATISTICS=RESET] [SUFFIX=suffix] [UTILITY=name] }
(Optional) Displays the messages associated with all of the EDIF display operands, including messages MIM4053 through MIM4062.
(Optional) Displays information about DATASET statements and how many times they were matched. This information is displayed in message MIM4060.
EDIF displays information about all DATASET statements unless you ask for information about only a certain DATASET statement. To display information for a certain statement, specify the data set name on that statement in place of the dsname variable.
(Optional) Displays information about the DEFAULT statement. This information is displayed in message MIM4055.
(Optional) Tells CA MIM to display information about the DSORG statement. For example, to display information for partitioned data sets, you would specify DISPLAY DSORG=PARTITIONED.
(Optional) Shows the abend code EDIF uses when it terminates inappropriate operations and what member it is using to obtain its processing statements.
(Optional) Indicates what member EDIF is using to obtain its processing statements, whether EDIF is active, whether EDIF is generating SVC dumps in response to errors, statistical report information, and other EDIF option values and settings.
(Optional) Displays information about PATTERN statements and how many times they were matched. This information is displayed in message MIM4059.
EDIF displays information about all PATTERN statements unless you ask for information about only a certain PATTERN statement. To display information for a certain statement, specify the pattern on that statement in place of the pattern variable.
(Optional) Displays information about PREFIX statements and how many times they were matched. This information is displayed in message MIM4057.
EDIF displays information about all PREFIX statements unless you ask for information about only a certain PREFIX statement. To display information for a certain statement, specify the prefix on that statement in place of the prefix variable.
(Optional) Displays information about the activities of EDIF. This command lets you see how many times programs opened data sets inappropriately and how many times EDIF has prevented such updates. These statistics pertain only to data sets on the local system.
On this display, the first column displays cumulative statistics from the time EDIF was started. The second column displays statistics accumulated since the last reset.
(Optional) Displays information about SUFFIX statements and how many times they were matched. This information is displayed in message MIM4058.
EDIF displays information about all SUFFIX statements unless you ask for information about only a certain SUFFIX statement. To display information for a certain statement, specify the suffix on that statement in place of the suffix variable.
(Optional) Displays information about UTILITY statements. This information is displayed in message MIM4054.
EDIF displays information about all UTILITY statements unless you ask for information about only a certain UTILITY statement. To display information for a certain statement, specify the name on that statement in place of the name variable.
Usage Notes: DISPLAY EDIF Command
Example: DISPLAY EDIF Command
To display information about the EDIF initialization values, issue this command:
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