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(MII) DISPLAY ECMF Command-Display ECMF Information

The DISPLAY ECMF command lets you display information about the status and activities of the ENQ Conflict Management Facility.

Scope: Local

This command has the following format:

             [ENQRESOURCE= (qname,rname),
                           (qname) [TRUNCATE]]
             [QNAMES ]

Displays information about ECMF rather than about any other facility. Specify this operand before the OPTIONS operand. Also specify the ECMF operand before any other operand that is truncated in such a way it may be ambiguous with operands for other facilities. Because ECMF is a positional operand, you must specify it before any other operand on the DISPLAY command.


(Optional) Displays information about all outstanding resource conflicts. Global conflicts are displayed for managed resources, while local-only conflicts are displayed for both managed and non-managed resources. This information is shown in message MIM1028. If you issue the command DISPLAY CONFLICTS, then you receive both global and local-only conflict information.


Specifies that only global conflicts are displayed. No conflicts are displayed that are local-only (all tasks that are requesting a resource are in the same system).


Specifies that all local-only conflicts are displayed. This command must be issued on the system where the local-only conflict exists. Note that this command will not show a conflict that is both global and local (a minimum of three tasks conflicting for a resource, when at least one task is on an external system).


Causes the RNAMES displayed by the CONFLICTS parameter to truncate at 32 characters. The default is to display the entire RNAME.


(Optional) Displays status information for a resource. Specify the QNAME and RNAME for this resource in place of qname and rname. Or, you can specify this command using the qname and the prefix to display all resources in this QNAME class that match on the specified prefix. This information is shown in message MIM1091. If there are no requestors for this resource, then ECMF also displays message MIM1092. If this resource is not managed by ECMF, then ECMF also displays message MIM1093.

You can specify the QNAME and RNAME, or the QNAME and prefix, or the QNAME only in either character or hexadecimal format. For example, you can specify any of the following:

If you use character format and the QNAME or RNAME contains embedded blanks, then enclose the QNAME or RNAME in single quotation marks.

The TRUNCATE option causes the RNAMES displayed by the ENQRESOURCE parameter to truncate at 32 characters. The default is to display the entire RNAME.


(Optional) Displays following information about the ECMF operating values that can be set through the SETOPTION command:

Because the OPTIONS parameter can be used to display values for any CA MIM facility or for the entire product, you also need to specify the ECMF parameter to indicate that you want information about ECMF.

Information is shown in message MIM1072.


(Optional) Displays the contents of the QNAME list, which contains information on how GDIF, ECMF, or both should handle ENQ and RESERVE requests for resources.

You can also limit the display by selecting a specific QNAME, or group of QNAMEs, using the DISPLAY QNAMES=qname command. You can additionally specify wildcard characters with this command.

This information is shown in message MIM1074.


(Optional) Displays information about batch jobs that ECMF has requeued. This information is shown in message MIM1035.

Default: OPTIONS

Usage Notes: DISPLAY ECMF Command

Example: DISPLAY ECMF Command

To display the contents of the CA MII QNAME list and information about batch jobs that have been requeued by ECMF, issue this command: