The DISPLAY GDIF command lets you display information about the status and activities of the Global Data Set Integrity Facility.
Scope: Local
This command has the following format:
(Optional) Displays the same information as the INIT and OPTIONS operands. That is, it displays the GDIF initialization values in message MIM1019 and the GDIF operating values in message MIM1022.
(Optional) Displays the number of cross-system conflicts that have occurred for managed resources since the last time you started GDIF on this system. This information is shown in message MIM1015.
(Optional) Displays the recommended size of the CA MIM control file for the GDIF facility. The control file size required by GDIF is dependent on ENQ workload or, more specifically, the peak number of global ENQ resources. This command takes this number and other metrics, which are maintained by GDIF, and calculates the GDIF size required for the control file. GDIF maintains both current and peak metrics; therefore, both current and peak requirements are displayed by the command.
This command calculates only space requirements for the GDIF facility; therefore, the recommended primary control file size is correct only if the CA MII component is running in its own MIMplex (that is, CA MII is running in its own address space on each system). If you run the CA MIA component, the CA MIC component, or both in addition to CA MII (not recommended), then you could add the space requirements of the additional components to the recommendation provided by this command.
The number of GHBs and GCBs may vary widely by system since the scope of these data structures is local. The current number of global resources and QNAMEs should typically be the same since this information is global in nature. However, this command does not serialize its calculations, so the current numbers may vary across systems, particularly for the more volatile numbers, such as the number of global resources.
The peak numbers may vary widely across systems as well. The peak numbers are based on peak metrics that are maintained on a system-by-system basis. This information is not passed to external systems. Furthermore, the peak numbers are not persistent across product restarts since peak number metrics are reset to zero with each restart of CA MIM. As CA MIM runs, the peak numbers increase and become more accurate. This increase in peak numbers and accuracy, coupled with rolling IPLs or product restarts, cause the peak numbers to vary across systems. We recommend that you issue this command late in the IPL process or CA MIM restart cycle and, if you execute the command on multiple systems, that you take the highest of all recommended sizes.
Note: The peak numbers are based on observed peaks. Historical observed peaks may not predict future requirements.
The space calculations provided by this command do not include any values that may be media dependent. The sizes produced by this command indicate actual usable space from the perspective of the CA MII application. You may need to adjust these numbers for the target media.
Displays only the recommended GDIF control file size. This is the default.
Displays the recommended GDIF control file size, followed by supporting details. The supporting details include peak and current values for the GDIF data structure size metrics that are used to calculate the recommended size.
This information is shown in message MIM1154I.
Assume your control file is allocated on a 3390 DASD device and the DISPLAY GDIF CFSIZE command indicates a recommended size of 13255 KB. There are 1024 bytes in 1 KB so you would calculate the following to determine the total number of bytes recommended:
1024 x 13255 = 13542400 bytes
A 3390-9 DASD device contains 849960 bytes per cylinder. Calculate the following to determine the total number of cylinders you should allocate:
13542400 / 849960 = 15.9 cylinders (round this number up to 16 cylinders)
Allocate the primary DASD control file at 16 cylinders, using the ALLOCCF member provided in the CAI.CBTDJCL library. You should allocate slightly more cylinders for the alternate files.
Assume your control file is allocated on an XES list structure and the DISPLAY GDIF CFSIZE command indicates a recommended size of 13255 KB. XES list structures are allocated in kilobytes, not cylinders. Enter the desired size in KB into the SIZE parameter in the ALLOCSTR member provided in the CAI.CBTDJCL library. You should make the alternate file slightly larger.
Note: Not all space allocated in a XES structure is available for use by an application because a portion of the allocated space is reserved for system use. The amount of space reserved by the system is furthermore dependant on the CFCC level. The DISPLAY GDIF CFSIZE command does not provide any media-dependant values. However, the recommended size displayed by this command is padded to account for some incremental growth. The recommended size is 125% of the peak-required size, and the minimum recommended size is 10240Kb (10Mb). This guarantees that the recommended size calculated by the DISPLAY GDIF CFSIZE command includes a minimum of 2Mb of slack space. You must determine whether this extra space is adequate for the target media. For more information, see the MVS Setting Up a Sysplex manual from IBM .
Important! We recommend at least 10000 KB for the primary control file. Also, if MIMINIT COMMUNICATIONS=CTCONLY/XCF, CA MIM will automatically size the virtual control file.
(Optional) Displays information about all outstanding resource conflicts. Global conflicts are displayed for managed resources, while local-only conflicts are displayed for both managed and non-managed resources. This information is shown in message MIM1028. If you issue the command DISPLAY CONFLICTS, then you will receive both global and local-only conflict information.
Displays only global conflicts. No conflicts are displayed that are local-only (all tasks that are requesting a resource are in the same system).
Displays all local-only conflicts. This command must be issued on the system where the local-only conflict exists. Note that this command will not show a conflict that is both global and local (a minimum of three tasks conflicting for a resource, when at least one task is on an external system).
Causes the RNAMES displayed by the CONFLICTS on the ENQRESOURCE parameter to truncate at 32 characters. The default is to display the entire RNAME.
(Optional) Displays the number of ENQ or RESERVE requests that have been made for resources. This information is shown in message MIM1016. You can specify one of these optional values on the COUNTS operand:
Displays information about all requests.
Displays information about requests for resources that are being managed by GDIF.
Displays information about requests for resources that are not being managed by GDIF.
Resets COUNTS.
Displays the counts since CA MIM initialized.
Displays the counts since the last COUNTS=RESET was issued.
Specifies an eight-character masking value to filter the COUNT display.
You can use an asterisk (*) wildcard character with this operand to display information about all QNAMEs beginning with the same characters. For example, you could specify ‘DISPLAY COUNTS FILTER=QNAM*’ to display information for QNAMEs QNAM0001, QNAM0002, QNAME003, and so on.
You can also use the pound sign (#) wildcard character to display information about all QNAMEs starting and ending with the same characters. The pound sign represent a single-character wild card. For example, you could specify ‘DISPLAY COUNTS FILTER=SYS#XYZ’ to display information for QNAMEs SYS1XYZ, SYS2XYZ, SYS3XYZ, and so on.
Use the COUNT operand on the SETOPTION command to select requests by scope.
Note: When GDIF displays information about non-managed resources, you see only RESERVE requests. If you also want to see other types of requests, then you need to specify a new value for the COUNT parameter on the SETOPTION command.
(Optional) Displays status information for a resource. Specify the QNAME and RNAME for this resource in place of the qname and rname variables, or specify the qname and the PREFIX rname, or specify the qname only. This information is shown in message MIM1091.
When you specify rname, your display will show only resources in which the rname matches your specification exactly. When you specify prefix, your display will show all resources in which the first characters of the rname match your specification. For example, PREFIX=AB matches RNAMEs AB, ABC, and ABCD, but not A and not AC. No wild card characters are supported in PREFIX statements. PREFIX=AB* will attempt to show resources with an rname of AB* or AB*C and so on, but will not find ABC.
The resource qname must always be fully specified; no prefix is allowed.
You can specify the QNAME and RNAME, or the QNAME and prefix, in either character or hexadecimal format. For example, you can specify any of the following:
If you use character format and the QNAME or RNAME contains embedded blanks, then enclose that QNAME or RNAME in single quotation marks.
An asterisk in the far right column of the resulting display indicates that this job was exempted by job name from GDIF global processing at the time the request was issued.
The TRUNCATE option causes the RNAMES displayed by the ENQRESOURCE parameter to truncate at 32 characters. The default is to display the entire RNAME.
(Optional) Displays the contents of the GDIF exempt list, which contains supplemental and more specific processing information for one or more resource classes that GDIF is managing. This information is shown in message MIM1023.
Tells CA MIM to display information about GDIF rather than about any other facility. Specify this operand before the ALL, INIT, or OPTIONS operands. You also should specify the GDIF operand before any other operand that is truncated in such a way that it may be ambiguous with operands for other facilities.
Because GDIF is a positional operand, you must specify it before any other operand on the DISPLAY command.
(Optional) This parameter shows how GDIF is handling ENQ and RESERVE requests and hardware reserves, as well as other initialization values. This information is shown in message MIM1019.
(Optional) Indicates which resources are included in statistical displays, whether the ENQTRACE feature is active, and the settings for other GDIF options. This information is shown in message MIM1022.
(Optional) Displays the contents of the QNAME list, which contains information on how GDIF, ECMF, or both should handle ENQ and RESERVE requests for resources. This information is shown in message MIM1074.
Displays the status of a specific QNAME. If the specified QNAME is not managed, then the MIM1074 message will indicate that the QNAME was not found in the QNAME list. You can use the asterisk (*) wildcard character with this operand to display information about all QNAMEs beginning with the same characters. For example, you could specify DISPLAY QNAMES=QNAM* to display the status of QNAMEs QNAM0001, QNAM0002, QNAME003, and so on.
You can also use the pound sign (#) wildcard character to display information about all QNAMEs starting and ending with the same characters. The pound sign represent a single character wild card. For example, you could specify ‘DISPLAY QNAMES=SYS#XYZ’ to display information for QNAMEs SYS1XYZ, SYS2XYZ, SYS3XYZ, and so on.
(Optional) This parameter limits the QNAMEs shown by DISPLAY GDIF QNAMES. The specific values of SOURCE are:
Omit this parameter (or specify SOURCE=ANY) if you want to display QNAMEs without being selective according to the SOURCE: value.
WARNING! SOURCE=ALL does not mean "display QNAMEs without being selective". SOURCE=ALL is interpreted as an abbreviation for SOURCE=ALLSYSTEMS. If you want to display QNAMEs without being selective, then you should omit the SOURCE= keyword.
(Optional) Displays information about outstanding hardware reserves. You can specify one of these optional values on the RESERVES operand:
Displays outstanding hardware reserves that have been converted to global ENQ requests by GDIF.
This information is shown in message MIM1096. This message also shows global ENQ requests for resources with RESERVE=KEEP.
Displays outstanding hardware reserves that have not been converted to global ENQ requests. This information is shown in message MIM1017.
Causes the RNAMES displayed by the RESERVES parameter to truncate at 32 characters.
Default: Display the entire RNAME.
Note: CONVERTED and HARDWARE are mutually exclusive.
Displays information about how quickly GDIF is processing ENQ or RESERVE requests for managed resources. This information is shown in message MIM1021.
The first line of the display shows cumulative statistics from the time GDIF was started. The second line shows statistics from the time the reset command was issued.
By default, GDIF bases its statistics on the average service time since the last start or reset. To reset the display and base the statistics on the GDIF current service time, specify SERVICE=RESET.
Default: OPTIONS
Usage Notes: DISPLAY GDIF Command
Examples: DISPLAY GDIF Command
To display all outstanding conflicts for managed resources, issue this command:
To see other examples of how to use the DISPLAY GDIF command, see the chapter “Advanced Topics” in the CA MII Programming Guide.
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