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(MIC) LINK Command-Manage Command Linkages

The LINK command lets you create, modify, and delete linkages that enable consoles, products, internal and in-stream command sources, and TSO users on the local system to issue commands to any system. Each linkage you create by using the LINK ADD command has a unique name based on the command source you specify. The following are examples of linkage command sources:


After a linkage is defined, you can modify or delete the linkage by specifying the same command source named on subsequent LINK commands. There cannot be two linkages with the same command source (except for exclusive linkages).

Scope: Local

This command has the following format:

Link Modifier

Local Command Source

Target Systems

Target Pool

Target Authority

 CONSOLE={conmask |
          conname} |
 PRODUCT={ALL|ssname} |
        ALLICMF |
        ALLSYS |
        EXTERNAL |
        EXTSYS |
        LOCAL |
   {ALL |
    INFO |
    MASTER |
    NONE |
    SOURCE} |
    CONS |
    IO |
    SYS} ]

and for z/VM...



(Optional) Creates a linkage if this linkage does not exist. Otherwise, GCMF modifies the existing linkage.


(Optional) Authorizes all local consoles to issue commands through this linkage. ALL does not include extended consoles for security reasons.

Note: Do not confuse the ALL operand with the value ALL that you can specify on the PRODUCT, TSOUSER, SYSID, and AUTHORITY operands.

When you specify ALL, do not specify a TGTCONS. Either accept the default value, POOL=SHARE, or specifically set POOL=DEDICATE or POOL=SHARE.


(Optional.) Assigns the specified authority level to the target console when executing a cross-system command. When a cross-system command is directed to a z/OS system, the target console assumes the assigned authority, and commands are restricted to that authority level.

When a cross-system command is directed to a z/VM system, CA MIC uses the LINKAUTH MIM file to determine the authority level required to execute the command. The command is rejected if the user does not have adequate authority.

Specify one of the following values on the AUTHORITY operand:


Authorizes the target console to execute any information request, system control, I/O control, or console control command. This option is equivalent to specifying the command AUTH=(CONS, IO, and SYS). The ALL authority level does not include MASTER authority, or the z/VM OPERPRIV and USERPRIV authority levels.


(Optional) Authorizes the target console to execute console control commands, such as VARY, when changing the status of a console.


Authorizes the target console to execute informational commands, such as MONITOR, DISPLAY, and REPLY, when replying to a WTOR.


(Optional) Authorizes the target console to execute I/O control commands, such as MOUNT, UNLOAD, and VARY, for any device except a console.


Authorizes the target console to execute commands that require master console authority. The MASTER authority level includes ALL authority, as well as the z/VM OPERPRIV and USERPRIV authority levels.


Prevents the target console from executing any cross-system command.


Used with z/VM, authorizes the user to execute any cross-system command that has been assigned to the OPERPRIV class file in the LINKAUTH MIM file of the target system.


Authorizes the target console to execute any cross-system command that the command source is authorized to issue.

Note: AUTHORITY=SOURCE is a default value.


(Optional) Authorizes the target console to execute system control commands, such as SET, START, and STOP.


Used with z/VM, authorizes the user to execute any cross-system command that has been assigned to the USERPRIV class file in the LINKAUTH MIM file of the target system.

From your own console, you cannot issue a LINK command that increases the authority of that console. However, another console can issue a LINK command that increases the authority of your console to any level, but not exceeding the authority of the other console.

For example, if you want to issue cross-system console control commands from your INFO-level console, then you need to specify LINK AUTHORITY=CONS from a console that is authorized to issue console control commands.

Note: You only need SYS authority to issue a LINK command with MASTER authority.



(Optional) Specifies the name of the console permitted to issue cross-system commands through this linkage. We recommend you use console names containing alphanumeric characters. You can use the CONSOLE parameter for both MCS and extended consoles.

You can use masking for console names to define a linkage that involves more than one console. For conmask, you can use the pound sign (#) wildcard to substitute for a single character, or the asterisk (*) wildcard to substitute for multiple characters in the console name.

Note: You cannot use dedicated or exclusive linkages when masking a console name. You must use a discrete shared link.


(Optional) Deletes part of the linkage or the entire linkage, depending on what other operands you specify.


(Optional) Authorizes JCL to issue commands through this linkage (for example, through //COMMAND in JCL).


(Optional) Authorizes programs to issue commands internally (without a console name associated with the command) through this linkage. For example, this could be done using the CA SYSVIEW LOG or MTT panels.


(Optional) Indicates that GCMF should use the next available member of the console pool to execute commands. Specify one of the following values on the POOL operand.


Creates a dedicated linkage in which the same console pool member is used to execute all commands from the source on the linkage. The console is removed from the pool.


Creates a shared linkage in which any available console pool member is used to execute commands. GCMF may share (or reassign) the selected console to another linkage as needed.



(Optional) Identifies the products that are authorized to issue commands through this linkage. Specify one of these values on the PRODUCT operand:


Authorizes all products to issue commands.


Specifies the subsystem name of the product that is authorized to issue commands. For example, if RCS is the subsystem name for CA Remote Console, then you can authorize CA Remote Console to issue cross-system commands by specifying PRODUCT=RCS.

The default subsystem names are as follows:

  • RCS for CA Remote Console

Replaces part or all of the linkage definition, depending on what other operands you specify.


(Optional) Authorizes the current console to issue commands through this linkage. This operand is invalid when the LINK command is issued from the MIMCMNDS or MIMSYNCH member or from internal or in-stream (JCL) sources.


(Optional) Identifies the systems to which the command source can issue commands. Specify one of the following values:


Allows the command source to issue commands to all systems, including ICMF systems. ALL is the default.


Allows the command source to issue commands to all ICMF systems only (excluding control file systems).


Allows the command source to issue commands to all control file systems only (excluding ICMF systems).


Allows the command source to issue commands to all systems except the local system.


Allows the command source to issue commands to all control file systems except the local system (excluding ICMF systems).

LOCAL or *

Allows the command source to issue commands to the local system only.


Specifies the IDs of the systems to which the command source can issue commands. Specify up to 32 IDs. You can use system names, aliases, or index numbers to identify systems.

You must specify POOL=DEDICATE or POOL=SHARE if you specify more than one system ID for sysids, or if you specify any keyword value except LOCAL. The default is POOL=SHARE.

To issue a cross-system command with a scope value of ALL, you must create a linkage that specifies SYSID=ALL. To issue a cross-system command with a scope value of EXTERNAL, you must create a linkage that specifies SYSID=EXTERNAL or SYSID=ALL.

Default: SYSID=ALL


(Optional) Creates an exclusive linkage to the designated console, tgtconname. The console executes all commands using this linkage. This console can be an active or an inactive MCS console; however, it cannot be a member of the console pool of GCMF, and it cannot be currently allocated to another product.



(Optional) Authorizes a TSO user to issue commands through this linkage. Specify one of the following values on the TSOUSER operand:


Authorizes all TSO users on the local system.


Specifies the ID of the TSO user who is authorized to issue commands through this linkage.

Default: LINK=ADD

Usage Notes: LINK Command

Examples: LINK Command