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(MIC) SETOPTION GCMF Command-Set GCMF Operating Values

The SETOPTION GCMF command lets you set operating values for the GCMF.

Scope: Local

This command has the following format:

               [STATCOLLECT [={{ALL|NONE} |[NOSUBTYPE=(list)]

(Optional) Indicates which descriptor codes are used to designate action (highlighted) messages. The ACTION operand on the COLLECT command requests message routing based on the descriptor code of a message. The ACTIONCODE operand defines the descriptor codes GCMF should consider to be action type codes.

SETOPTION GCMF ACTIONCODE affects the way local messages are interpreted for routing by the ACTION operand on the COLLECT command. If the descriptor code for a message is not in the ACTIONCODE list, then the message is not considered an action type message for cross-system routing.

Valid codes for this parameter are 1, 2, 3, 11, and 12.

Default: ACTIONCODE=(1,2,3,11)


(Optional) This parameter indicates whether GCMF should reissue a designated group of messages as highlighted messages. Specify one of these values on the ACTIONPREFIX operand:


Specifies the IDs of the messages that GCMF should reissue (to a maximum of 20 IDs). You can specify additional IDs on a separate SETOPTION command. You also can use the asterisk (*) and pound (#) wildcard characters.


Deletes the existing list of IDs.

To delete an individual ID from this list, specify the DELETE operand before the ACTIONPREFIX operand.


For more information, see the description of the COLLECT Command.


(Optional) Tells GCMF how to delete obsolete action messages that have been reissued locally or externally by GCMF. Specify one of these values on the AUTODELETE operand:


Deletes obsolete action messages that have been reissued by GCMF, but not the original action messages on the local (originating) system.


Deletes obsolete action messages that have been reissued by GCMF, and the original action messages on the local (originating) system.

Note: Action messages are considered obsolete when they have remained highlighted longer than the number of minutes specified on the SETOPTION GCMF DELETEINTERVAL command.


(Optional) Indicates which system is to receive broadcast messages. Specify one of the following values on the BROADCAST operand:


Specifies broadcasting for all systems (including ICMF systems) in the CA MIM complex.


Specifies broadcasting for all ICMF systems (excluding control file systems).


Specifies broadcasting for all control file systems in a complex (excluding ICMF systems).


Specifies broadcasting for all systems except the local system.


Specifies broadcasting for all control file systems except the local system (excluding ICMF).

LOCAL (or *)

Specifies broadcasting for the local system only.


Clears the broadcasting list of all previously set values. This is the default value.


Specifies the IDs of the systems to which GCMF should route broadcasting messages. Specify one or more system IDs in place of sysid (up to 16 system IDs). You can use system names, aliases, or index numbers to identify systems.

You can control whether BROADCAST is active for the previous options by setting one of the following:

OFF -- Turns the broadcast function off without changing the defined systems for the BROADCAST command.

ON -- Turns the broadcast function on.

To activate the BROADCAST facility, you must issue the command SETOPTION BROADCAST=ON. Then, you must specify the scope of the broadcast by issuing a second command. For example, if you want the scope to be all systems, including ICMF systems, then you would issue SETOPTION BROADCAST=ALL.

Messages can be routed to active MCS consoles in a number of ways. One method is to set the broadcast bit in the MCS flag field when the WTO macro is issued. When this bit is set, COMMTASK routes the message to all active consoles, regardless of any other console attribute. When CA MIC is routing broadcast messages to external systems, this routing is done independently of any collection sets defined.



(Optional) Limits the number of 4 KB pages of ECSA storage that CA MIC can use for managing cross-system message traffic.

You can experience a storage shortage when, for example, an error (program loop) or unusually heavy message traffic causes the writing of many WTO messages. The BUFLIMIT parameter restricts the amount of ECSA storage CA MIM can use at these times.

Important! If you specify too small a value, then CA MIC may be temporarily forced to discontinue cross-system message routing.

Default: BUFLIMIT=500


(Optional) Indicates whether GCMF routes messages destined only for the system log.

Typically, CA MIC does not allow local messages destined only for the system log to be routed externally. Hardcopy-only messages are recorded to the local SYSLOG, but are not displayed at local consoles. To make these messages eligible for external routing, specify the command SETOPTION CAPTURELOG=YES on the system where the messages are generated. When this option is set, local messages that are marked as system log messages, also known as hardcopy-only, can be routed externally. When CAPTURELOG=NO is set, no hardcopy-only messages are routed externally from this system.

When NOLOG is specified on a collection set, hardcopy-only messages are not collected, even if CAPTURELOG=YES is specified on the system where the messages originate.



(Optional) Determines how GCMF processes CARTs (Command and Response Tokens) when present on commands imported from external systems (that is, when this system is the target of a cross-system command).

You can specify one of the following:


Indicates that GCMF should simulate CART processing by saving the CART of the command issuer and manually editing it in the command response before transmitting the response back to the issuer. The actual command on the target system is not issued with a CART.

This option allows GCMF to return CARTs to command issuers even when the operating system of the target system does not support CARTs. It also allows CARTs to be returned from older command processors not updated to handle CARTs.


Indicates that the CART of the command issuer is issued with the actual command on the target system, and that GCMF does not manually edit the CART of the command issuer in the collected command response (as with normal CART processing).

The CART of the command issuer is returned in the command response assuming that both the operating system and the command processor on the target system support CART processing.

We recommend specifying CART=SYSTEM if the operating system supports CART processing.


(Optional) Indicates whether GCMF supports z/OS color attributes for messages.


The local MPFLSTxx definitions determines the message presentation attributes.


Local MPFLSTxx definitions are overridden and the message is presented as it was on the originating system. In other words, the message is presented based upon the attribute modifications made by the MPF exit or subsystem on the originating system.

Color information is always sent with messages that have color attributes, regardless of the COLORSUPP setting. The receiving system decides whether to display a message in color depending on the COLORSUPP setting on that system.



(Optional) Tells GCMF to delete prefixes or job names for these operands. Message MIM0121 appears if you specify the DELETE operand with any other operands. This parameter is valid only for the operands ACTIONPREFIX, EXCLUDEJOB, EXCLUDEPREFIX, and SAFSYSTEMS.


(Optional) Indicates how many minutes GCMF should wait before considering an outstanding action message to be obsolete. Specify a value from 1 to 32767. If you set DELETEINTERVAL=0, then the previous setting remains unchanged.

Action messages are highlighted on MCS consoles and remain on the screen until they are deleted by a program or by operator action. When CA MIC sends an action message to another system, the message retains its action message highlighting and remains on the console screen on that system. Action messages remain on an MCS console display if the console is in roll-deletable mode.

If, after a period of time, a program has not deleted an action message that has been sent to another system, then CA MIC deletes the action message to provide space on the screen for more recent messages.



(Optional) Tells GCMF whether to prevent users from collecting messages that are issued by certain jobs. Specify one of these values on the EXCLUDEJOB operand:


Represents the names of the jobs for which messages should not be collected (to a maximum of 20 names). You can specify additional job names on a separate SETOPTION command. You also can use the asterisk (*) and pound (#) wildcard characters in a job name. For a description, see Wildcard Characters in (MIC) COLLECT Command in this chapter.


Tells GCMF to delete any existing list of names.

You can use the abbreviation EXJ for this operand.

To delete an individual name from this list, specify the DELETE operand before the EXCLUDEJOB operand.



(Optional) Tells GCMF whether to prevent users from collecting messages that have a specified ID. Specify one of these values on the EXCLUDEPREFIX operand:


Specifies the IDs of the messages that should not be collected (to a maximum of 20 IDs). You can specify additional IDs on a separate SETOPTION command. You also can use the asterisk (*) and pound (#) wildcard characters in an ID. For a description, see Wildcard Characters in (MIC) COLLECT Command in this chapter.


Tells GCMF to delete any existing list of IDs.

You can use the abbreviation EXP for this operand.

To delete an individual ID from this list, specify the DELETE operand before the EXCLUDEPREFIX operand.



(Optional) Indicates whether CA MIC should generate a dump in the event of an error. Specify one of these values on this operand:


Specifies that CA MIC should not generate a dump.


Specifies that CA MIC should generate a dump.



Tells CA MIM that you are setting operating values for GCMF rather than any other facility. Specify the GCMF operand if you want to truncate an operand in a way that may be ambiguous with operands for other facilities.

GCMF is a positional operand that you must specify before any other operand.


(Optional) Indicates how many times the CA MIC subsystem interface attempts to recover after encountering an error condition. Specify a value from 0 to 99 in place of the nn variable.

Default: GCMRETRY=3


(Optional) Specifies the maximum number of consoles that GCMF can dynamically allocate to the target console pool.

CA MIC can dynamically choose and allocate target consoles for use when issuing imported cross-system commands. To enable this function, specify a non-zero value.

The MAXCONS value specifies the maximum number of dynamically allocated target consoles CA MIC acquires throughout the life of the CA MIC address space. Each console is allocated on demand until the MAXCONS limit is reached. Once the limit is reached, CA MIC continually re-assigns the least recently used target console to the current command source.

Default: MAXCONS=3


(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of dynamically allocated consoles to be retained by GCMF when the FREECONS MINCONS command is issued.

For example, setting MAXCONS=5 and MINCONS=2 allows CA MIC to dynamically allocate up to five consoles for the pool.

You can also use the FREECONS command to free all consoles, or a specific console, from the pool.

Note: For direct allocation, adding consoles to a hard-assigned console pool can only be accomplished by updating the GCMINIT SSCONID parameter and restarting CA MIC.

Default: MINCONS=1


(Optional) Filters messages when GCMF encounters the specified number of duplicate messages issued in succession.

A WTO buffer shortage can occur when, for example, a program loops while issuing WTOs. You can use the MSGFILTER parameter on the SETOPTION command to limit the number of identical messages that CA MIC routes cross-system.

When the number of consecutive WTOs with the same message ID is issued, CA MIC stops routing that message cross-system. CA MIC resets its counter when it processes a different message.

Specify one of the following values:


GCMF should not filter duplicate (looping) messages from the same job.


GCMF should not route duplicate (looping) messages after nn consecutive messages with the same ID, issued by the same job. Specify a number between 1 and 1000.

Default: MSGFILTER=50


(Optional). Allows you to turn off trace event printing for the specified trace option or options. For an explanation of the available options, see the SETTRACE operand.


(Optional) Allows you to turn off trace event capturing for the specified trace option or options. For an explanation of the available options, see the SETTRACE operand.


(Optional) Allows the commands originating on systems in this list to be reissued locally with the UTOKEN associated with the user on the original system. The local security system then decides whether to permit the command to execute based on the profile passed by the UTOKEN.

You can dynamically add or delete systems in this list by including ADD or DELETE in your command. For example, to add SYSD to your list, simply issue the command SETOPTION GCMF ADD SAFSYSTEMS=SYSD.


(Optional). Activates trace event printing for the specified trace option or options. For an explanation of the available options, see the SETTRACE parameter.


(Optional) Activates trace event capturing for the specified trace options. You can specify one or more of the following:


Traces events for GCMF cross-system command processing.


Traces events for GCMF DOM processing.


Traces events for the flow through various GCMF routines.


Traces events for GCMF cross-system message processing.


(Optional) Controls the creation of statistical records for the GCMF report. Specify one of the following values:


Turns on statistical record collection for all record subtypes.


Turns off all statistical record collection.


Specifies the record subtypes for which statistical recording is turned off.


Specifies the record subtypes for which statistical recording is turned on.

The record subtype for GCMF is CN, for the GCMF command data record subtype.



(Optional) Specifies how often, in seconds, statistical data is sampled for the GCMF report.

Default: STATCYCLE=60


(Optional) Specifies how often, in minutes, statistical data samples are recorded for use in the GCMF report.



(Optional) Tells GCMF whether to include messages imported from other systems in the log of the local system. Specify one of these values on the SYSLOG operand:


Tells GCMF to log messages from all systems (including ICMF systems).


Tells GCMF to log messages for all ICMF systems only (excluding control file systems).


Tells GCMF to log messages for all control file systems only (excluding ICMF systems).


Tells GCMF to log messages for all systems except the local system.


Tells GCMF to log messages for all control file systems only except the local one, excluding ICMF systems.

LOCAL (or *)

Tells GCMF to log messages for the local system only.


Tells GCMF to log no messages from any system.


Specifies the IDs of the system IDs for which GCMF should log messages, up to 16 systems. Use system names, aliases, or index numbers here.


Usage Notes: SETOPTION GCMF Command

Examples: SETOPTION GCMF Command