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(MIC) IDEFSYS Command-Manage ICMF System Names

The IDEFSYS command serves two purposes. It defines a list of system names that will communicate by ICMF, and it permits you to specify the alias name for each system. Alias names can be used in place of the system name in many commands. This command is available only when you are running ICMF of the CA MIC component.

This command is required. Although ICMF is capable of communicating with systems you have not defined on an IDEFSYS statement, the results can be unpredictable. For instance, ICMF always assigns a name and an alias to each system. If you do not choose an alias using IDEFSYS, then ICMF assigns its own alias to the system.

Another possibility is that ICMF can assign an alias that is already in use to a new system. These kinds of problems can be avoided by specifying all ICMF systems in an IDEFSYS statement. You can disable this automatic system definition feature and require all systems to be defined with an IDEFSYS statement by specifying AUTOIDEFSYS=NO on the ICMINIT statement or the SETOPTION ICMF command.

Usually, the systems that communicate through ICMF will not have shared control files available for communication. When both ICMF and a control file are available, ICMF communication takes precedence. Also when both are available, the system name and system alias for ICMF purposes will default to the name and alias defined on the DEFSYS statement. Nevertheless, we recommend using the IDEFSYS statement for all systems communicating through ICMF, even when control file communication is available.

Scope: Local

This command has the following format:

IDEFSYS (sysname1[,alias1]) [(sysname2[,alias2])...]

Specifies the one- to eight-character ICMF system name. Each ICMF system must have a unique ICMF system name. For most installations, the system name will be defined on the DEFSYS statement in the initialization member. The system name used on the IDEFSYS statement should match exactly the name used on the DEFSYS statement. If you change the system name using the ISYSID parameter on the ICMINIT statement, then you should match the name used on the IDEFSYS statement to the one used in the ICMINIT statement. CA does not recommend changing the system name on the ISYSID parameter.

Setting the ICMF system name different from the DEFSYS system name is confusing for operators, and can lead to commands and messages being routed twice, once through the control file and once through ICMF/CA L‑Serv.


Specifies the one- to two-character ICMF system alias. We strongly recommend that the alias of a system on an IDEFSYS command match its alias on a DEFSYS statement.

Usage Notes: IDEFSYS Command

Examples: IDEFSYS Command