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(MIA) DISPLAY TPCF Command-Display TPCF Information

The DISPLAY TPCF command lets you display information about the options and initialization values for the TPCF.

Scope: Local

This command has the following format:

             [JOBRESERVE [dddd[number] 
                         [,number] ]]

Displays the all TPCF initialization values (in message MIM2034).


(Optional) Tells CA MIM to display its representation of the z/OS device groups. This information is shown in message MIM2091.

Although you can issue a DISPLAY TPCF DEVICEGROUPS command and view the subsequent message display, primarily CA Technical Support uses the information that appears for diagnostic purposes.

Note: The D TPCF DEVICEGROUPS and D GTAF DEVICEGROUPS commands are equivalent.


(Optional) Tells CA MIM to display the way your tape devices are defined and grouped in the system Eligible Device Table. This information is shown in message MIM2090.

Although you can issue the DISPLAY TPCF EDT command and view the subsequent message display, primarily CA Technical Support uses the information that appears for diagnostic purposes.

Note: The D TPCF EDT and D GTAF EDT commands are equivalent.


(Optional) Displays the TPCF initialization values that are set using the TPCINIT statement. This information is shown in message MIM2058.


(Optional) Displays global information about devices that have been reserved for certain jobs. This information is displayed in message MIM2019.

If you specify RESERVE=YES on a SETOPTION command, you can then display this information by issuing the DISPLAY TPCF GLOBALUNITS command.


(Optional) Displays information about the local status of managed devices. TPCF shows you all managed devices unless you limit the display through the ALLOCATED, AVAILABLE, or MOUNTPENDING operands. This information is displayed in message MIM2018.


Tells TPCF to include only allocated devices in the device status display.

You can use the abbreviation ALC for this operand.


Tells TPCF to include only available devices in the device status display. You can use the abbreviation AVL for this operand.


Tells TPCF to include only devices with a pending mount when displaying device status information. You can use the abbreviation MTP for this operand.


Tells TPCF to include OVERGENNED devices in the device status display.

You can use the abbreviation OVG for this operand.


Tells TPCF to include only ONLYOVERGENNED devices in the device status display.

You can use the abbreviation OOVG for this operand.

dddd (device)

Determines which is the first device shown in the display. Enter the local name of the device. You can enter only a single device name.

Default: TPCF uses the current value of the command SETOPTION LOCALDISPLAY(DEVICE=dddd). The initial value is FIRST, which starts the display with the device that has the lowest alphanumerical local name.


Indicates how many devices are to be included in the display.

Default: TPCF uses the value set for the SETOPTION LOCALDISPLAY(NUMBER=n) command. The initial value is 8.



(Optional) Displays the TPCF operating values that can be set using the SETOPTION command. This information is displayed in message MIM2034.


Displays information about TPCF rather than about any other facility.

Because TPCF is a positional operand, you must specify it before any other operand on the DISPLAY command.

Default: OPTIONS

Usage Notes: DISPLAY TPCF Command

Example: DISPLAY TPCF Command

To display only devices with a pending mount, issue this command: