The DISPLAY GTAF command lets you display information about the options and initialization values for the GTAF.
Scope: Local
This command has the following format:
(Optional) Displays the same information as the INIT and OPTIONS operands; that is, it displays the GTAF initialization values in message MIM2031 and the GTAF operating values in message MIM2030.
(Optional) Tells CA MIA to display the z/OS device groups in message MIM2091.
(Optional) Tells CA MIM to display the way your tape devices are defined in the system Eligible Device Table. This information is shown in message MIM2090.
(Optional) Displays the list of tape devices excluded from CA MIA management. The list is built from the DEVEXCL CA MIA parameter member.
(Optional) Displays global information about managed devices. The format of the display and the amount of information provided depend on what global display values you specified on the SETOPTION command.
The standard display is shown in message MIM2064, and the inverse display is shown in message MIM2053. GTAF displays global status information only for devices that are managed by GTAF and only for the systems on which those devices are being managed.
You can limit the display to allocated devices, available devices, or devices that have a pending mount by specifying the following operands:
Tells GTAF to include only allocated devices in the device status display.
You can use the abbreviation ALC for this operand.
To limit the display to devices allocated on a particular system, specify a system name, alias, or index number in place of sysid.
Tells GTAF to include only available devices in the device status display.
You can use the abbreviation AVL for this operand.
To limit the display to devices available on a particular system, specify a system name, alias, or index number in place of sysid.
Tells GTAF to include only devices with a pending mount in the status display.
You can use the abbreviation MTP for this operand.
To limit the display to devices mount-pending on a particular system, specify a system name, alias, or index number in place of sysid.
Tells GTAF to include OVERGENNED devices in the device status display.
To limit the display to devices on a particular system, specify a system name, alias, or index number in place of sysid.
You can use the abbreviation OVG for this operand.
Tells GTAF to only include ONLYOVERGENNED devices in the device status display. If the device is OVERGENNED on any system that is to be displayed, device status for all displayed systems are shown.
To limit the display to devices on a particular system, specify a system name, alias, or index number in place of sysid.
You can use the abbreviation OOVG for this operand.
Determines which is the first device shown in the display. If you are displaying local status information, then enter the local name of the device. If you are displaying global status information, then enter the global name of the device. You can enter only a single device name.
Default: For the global status display, GTAF uses the current value of the command SETOPTION GLOBALDISPLAY(DEVICE). The initial value is FIRST, which starts the display with the device that has the lowest alphanumerical global name.
For the local status display, GTAF uses the current value of the command SETOPTION LOCALDISPLAY(DEVICE). The initial value is FIRST, which starts the display with the device that has the lowest alphanumerical local name.
If a device is overgenned on all systems, then the device information is omitted from the display of global status information. If the device is overgenned on some (but not all) systems, then the device information is displayed only for the systems on which the device is not overgenned. For example, if a device is overgenned on system A and not on system B, then GTAF displays the device information only for system B.
Specifies the number of devices that should be included in the display. The maximum value is 999.
Default: For the display of global status information, GTAF uses the current value of the SETOPTION GLOBALDISPLAY(NUMBER=nn) command. The initial value is 8.
For the display of local status information, GTAF uses the current value of the SETOPTION LOCALDISPLAY(NUMBER=nn) command. The initial value is 8.
(Optional) Tells CA MIM to display information about GTAF rather than about any other facility. Specify this operand before the ALL, INIT, or OPTIONS operands. You also should specify the GTAF operand before any other operand that is truncated in such a way that it may be ambiguous with operands for other facilities.
Because GTAF is a positional operand, you must specify it before any other operand on the DISPLAY command.
Default: OPTIONS
(Optional) Displays the GTAF initialization values that are set by the GTAINIT statement. This information is shown in message MIM2031.
(Optional) Displays information about the local status of managed devices. GTAF shows you all managed devices unless you specifically limit the display to allocated devices, available devices, or devices that have a pending mount. This information is shown in message MIM2018.
You can limit the display to allocated devices, available devices, or devices that have a pending mount by specifying the following operands:
Tells GTAF to include only allocated devices in the device status display.
You can use the abbreviation ALC for this operand.
Tells GTAF to include only available devices in the device status display.
You can use the abbreviation AVL for this operand.
Tells GTAF to include only devices with a pending mount in the status display.
You can use the abbreviation MTP for this operand.
Tells GTAF to include OVERGENNED devices in the device status display.
You can use the abbreviation OVG for this operand.
Tells GTAF to include only ONLYOVERGENNED devices in the device status display.
You can use the abbreviation OOVG for this operand.
Determines which is the first device shown in the display. If you are displaying local status information, then enter the local name of the device. If you are displaying global status information, then enter the global name of the device. You can enter only a single device name.
Default: For the global status display, GTAF uses the current value of the command SETOPTION GLOBALDISPLAY(DEVICE). The initial value is FIRST, which starts the display with the device that has the lowest alphanumerical global name.
For the local status display, GTAF uses the current value of the command SETOPTION LOCALDISPLAY(DEVICE). The initial value is FIRST, which starts the display with the device that has the lowest alphanumerical local name.
If a device is overgenned on all systems, then the device information is omitted from the display of global status information. If the device is overgenned on some (but not all) systems, then the device information is displayed only for the systems on which the device is not overgenned. For example, if a device is overgenned on system A and not on system B, then GTAF displays the device information only for system B.
Specifies the number of devices that should be included in the display. The maximum value is 999.
Default: For the display of global status information, GTAF uses the current value of the SETOPTION GLOBALDISPLAY(NUMBER=nn) command. The initial value is 8.
For the display of local status information, GTAF uses the current value of the SETOPTION LOCALDISPLAY(NUMBER=nn) command. The initial value is 8.
(Optional) Displays the GTAF operating values that can be set using the SETOPTION command. This information is shown in message MIM2030.
(Optional) Determines the order of the systems in the DISPLAY GLOBALUNITS display for the current display only.
Specify full system name, two-character system alias, or two-digit system index number for the sysid variables. A system you identify for sysid must be defined to CA MIM using the DEFSYS statement. Specifying a value of INDEX causes systems to be displayed in order of system index number.
Note: INDEX must be fully qualified, so as to distinguish it from a possible valid system ID.
Default: Value specified by the SETOPT GTAF GLOBALDISPLAY=SYSLIST command.
(Optional) Determines the number of the systems in the DISPLAY GLOBALUNITS display for the current display only. The following are valid values:
This value causes all systems to be displayed, and is the equivalent of specifying SYSNUM=32.
Causes the maximum number of systems possible for the format of the display (STANDARD or INVERSE) to be displayed, without wrapping of the STANDARD display. For INVERSE format, the maximum number of systems displayed is unlimited (meaning MAX value is the same as ALL value). For STANDARD format, the maximum number of systems displayed is limited by the width of the console display.
Note: This value generates the same displays as in previous versions of CA MIM without the SYSNUM option.
Specifies the number of systems to be displayed. For INVERSE format, the number of systems displayed may be reduced if nn is less than the maximum number of systems. For STANDARD format, a wrapped display is generated if nn exceeds the maximum number of systems that can be displayed on one line.
Default: Value specified by the SETOPT GTAF GLOBALDISPLAY=SYSNUM command.
(Optional) Determines which is the first system shown in the display. Enter a full system name, two-character system alias, or two-digit system index number for the sysid variable. The system you identify for sysid may be defined to CA MIM using the DEFSYS statement.
Specifying the value of FIRST causes the first system in the current display to be the system with the lowest index number. In addition, FIRST must be fully qualified so as to distinguish it from a possible valid system id.
Default: GTAF uses the current value set with the SETOPTION GTAF GLOBALDISPLAY SYSTEM command.
Usage Notes: DISPLAY GTAF Command
Note: A pseudo-volume serial number is generated and propagated by CA MIA to identify the system on which a device is allocated. This number appears in the format ss=GTA, where ss represents the system alias associated with the system on which the device is allocated.
Example: DISPLAY GTAF Command
To display the current initialization and operation values for only GTAF, issue this command:
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