The SHUTDOWN command lets you stop CA MIM.
Note: Data integrity exposures occur when the CA MIM address space is terminated on an active operating system.
Scope: Local or Global
This command has the following format:
(Optional) Stops CA MIM on the local system with a U1122 user ABEND code. CA MIM also requests an ABEND dump.
Warning! Integrity exposures can occur when you specify this operand.
Note: For more information about possible integrity exposures when stopping CA MIM, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
(Optional) Stops CA MIM when the communication method is CTC or XCF, and when the system being shut down is the only eligible master system in a virtual control file environment. Using this operand prevents accidental shutdown of the master system while non-master systems are still active. FORCE should only be specified after you have received a MIM0468W message.
When the FORCE operand is specified on a SHUTDOWN command after MIM0468W message appears the original rejected command is executed.
WARNING! Integrity exposures can occur when you specify this operand.
(Optional) Shuts down CA MIM on the local system and leaves it in a freed state (as if a 'FREE' sysid was issued on an external system). No ABEND dump is requested. CA MIM stops with an ABEND code U1222 if SETOPTION MIM LOCALSTOP=ABEND. FREE is similar to LOCAL, except that it prevents MIM0061 messages from being issued on other systems.
Warning! Integrity exposures can occur when you specify this operand. For more information about possible integrity exposures when stopping CA MIM, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Stops CA MIM on all systems without producing an ABEND or an ABEND dump.
We recommend that you specify the GLOBAL operand when you are stopping CA MIM in multiple-system or multiple-image environments, except in an emergency.
This value stops CA MIM without allowing integrity exposures to occur. CA MIM does not stop until all RESERVE requests that were converted have been released through DEQ requests.
(Optional) Stops CA MIM on the local system immediately. No ABEND dump is requested. CA MIM stops with an ABEND code U1222 if SETOPTION MIM LOCALSTOP=ABEND.
Important! Integrity exposures can occur when you specify this operand. For more information about possible integrity exposures when stopping CA MIM, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
(Optional) Stops CA MIM on the local system with a U1223 ABEND if SETOPTION MIM LOCALSTOP=ABEND. On other systems, GDIF stops eliminating hardware reserves and stops propagating RESERVE requests as global ENQ requests. GDIF retains hardware reserves unconditionally until you identify this system as temporarily inactive (through the FREE command) or until CA MIM is restarted on this system. You can use the abbreviation RSV for this operand.
Note: For more information about possible integrity exposures when stopping CA MIM, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Initiate a local shutdown and restart of CA MIM. When used with CA MII, the integrity of global resources is maintained throughout the process by suspending the local ENQ/DEQ activity for managed QNAMEs until the restart is complete and normal global operation resumes.
This command is rejected if CA MIM was not started with the Restart Manager.
Sets the status of the local system to a freed state (as if a 'FREE' sysid was issued on an external system), then places the system into a disabled wait state code ‘FFF’. Unlike SHUTDOWN FREE, this ensures complete integrity, because the local system does not continue processing. No abend dump is requested. If WAITSTATE=NEVER, SHUTDOWN WAIT command is equivalent to SHUTDOWN FREE.
This option is required when MIMINIT keyword WAITSTATE set to anything other than NEVER.
Usage Notes: SHUTDOWN Command
Examples: SHUTDOWN Command
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