The SETOPTION MIM command lets you set operating values for general-purpose CA MIM functions.
Scope: Local
This command has the following format:
(Optional) Specifies the number of hours for CA MIM to wait before rechecking its authorization statements. CA MIM checks the LMP product license keys at startup to see if any of its licenses are about to expire. CA MIM also performs periodic license key checks. Specify a value from 1 to 23 (integers only) in place of the hours variable.
When you issue a SETOPTION AUTHCHECK command, CA MIM automatically checks its authorization statements and issues the appropriate authorization messages.
Note: For information on how to specify LMP license keys for CA MIM, see the Installation Guide.
Default: AUTHCHECK=23
(Optional) Controls the CA MIM cell pool internal trace. It should always be set to NO, unless CA Technical Support tells you to set this parameter to YES.
(Optional) Defines the control file space usage threshold percentage above which CA MIM is to issue a warning message. Specify a value from 1 to 100 (integers only) in place of the percent variable.
Note: For more information, see the chapter “Advanced Topics” in the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Default: CFSIZEWARN=50
(Optional) Specifies the one- to eight-character subsystem interface prefix character string that identifies an operator command as one that should be directed to a given CA MIM address space.
Specify the prefix in either character or hexadecimal format.
Note: If an installation specifies a CMDPREFIX parameter of a length greater than two characters, then they should also specify MSGPREFIX=NONE or specify MSGPREFIX=ccc (where ccc is a three-character replacement string for the MIM in the CA MIM message identifier). We recommend that you do not generate CA MIM message identifiers that are greater than ten characters long.
The CMDPREFIX parameter replaces the CMDCHAR parameter.
Default: CMDPREFIX=@
For more information, see Valid Characters for CMDPREFIX.
(Optional) Specifies the threshold limit of command responses to any given CA MIM command response. The value will either be the character string NONE or a number between 20 and 32767.
If a given command generates responses over the CMDRESPMAX threshold, then the command response will be truncated and message MIM0640W is issued as the final data line of the truncated command response.
Default: 2048
(Optional) Controls the number of seconds any CA MIM command is permitted to execute before it is canceled. This helps prevent a command from permanently hanging the CA MIM command task. Valid values are the character string NONE or the number of seconds between 10 and 300.
Default: CMDTIMEOUT=60
(Optional) Determines how often CA MIM checks device status after a soft error occurs. If you do not want CA MIM to check the CTC paths for errors, then specify NONE. However, we recommend that you do specify a value for this operand.
To have CA MIM check CTC paths for error-free status, indicate the number of minutes for the checking interval. The minimum is 1 minute and the maximum interval is 1440 minutes (24 hours).
The CTC path marked in error cannot be used again until a CTC RESET command is issued or CA MIM determines that the path is error-free.
Note: Use the MIHINTERVAL operand to eliminate IOS071I messages that occur due to device verification. The MIHINTERVAL value should always be less than the CTCVERIFY value. Keep in mind that the CTCVERIFY value is set in minutes, while the MIHINTERVAL value is set in seconds.
Default: CTCVERIFY=2
(Optional) Determines how many service intervals are in a service cycle. CA MIM uses service cycles to determine how often to access control files if none of its global facilities have transactions for other systems. Specify a value from 1 to 100 (integers only) in place of the intervals variable.
Note that this operand uses service intervals as a unit of measurement. The number of seconds per service interval is set through the INTERVAL operand. Therefore, it is the product of the CYCLES and INTERVAL operands that determines how many seconds pass before CA MIM accesses the control files.
Note: For more information, see the description of the MODE operand. For more information on CA MIM performance considerations, see the chapter “Advanced Topics” in the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Default: CYCLES=1
(Optional) Controls how CA MIM automatically responds to a sysplex notification event of a down system by freeing that system from the CA MIM complex.
The DOWNSYS parameter is honored at COMPATLEVEL=4.6 and higher.
Note: For a discussion of the DOWNSYS parameter, see Automatically Freeing a System from the MIMplex in the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Specify one of these values:
Automatically FREEs a down system.
Requires operator intervention to FREE a down system.
(Optional) Specifies to CA MIM which exit routine you want to control and lets you set exit routine options by specifying one of the following module names in place of the name variable. You must issue a separate SETOPTION EXIT command for each module to be loaded.
Note: For more information, see the chapter “User Exits” in the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Valid exit routine names are:
Keeps EDIF from abending a task for these violations: read-access, utility, exempt, attribute, and DISP=SHR.
Changes the EDIF attribute verification processing for data sets. This exit routine is available only when you run EDIF.
Sets the status of EDIF processing for various programs or data sets. This exit routine is available only when you run EDIF.
Prevents certain local commands from being directed to external systems. This exit routine is available only when you run GCMF.
Changes the way CA MIC handles messages that are contained in its message tracking tables. This exit routine is available only when you run GCMF.
Prevents all destinations on the local system from receiving collected messages, based on routing data associated with the messages. This exit routine is available only when you run GCMF.
Prevents certain local messages from being directed to external systems based on routine data associated with the messages. This exit routine is available only when you run GCMF.
Exempts resources from global ENQ propagation. This exit routine is available only when you run GDIF.
Customizes the CA MIM command authorization process.
Prevents certain CA MIM commands from being issued on the local system or across systems.
Marks devices as ineligible in EDL, during allocation, and removes them from the offline device list, during allocation recovery. This exit routine is available only when you run TPCF.
Customizes the TPCF processing of allocation recovery messages. This exit routine is available only when you run TPCF.
Customizes the TPCF preferencing of devices. This exit routine is available only when you run TPCF.
Issues installation-specific commands in place of commands that ECMF issues when requeuing batch jobs or sending messages to a JOBLOG data set. This exit routine is available only when you run ECMF.
Changes the way unconditional resource conflicts are processed. This exit routine is available only when you run ECMF.
Changes the way resource requesters are notified of a resource conflict when they request a resource that is not available. This exit routine is available only when you run ECMF.
Changes the way conditional resource conflicts are processed. This exit routine is available only when you run ECMF.
Changes the way TSO resource owners are notified when they are involved in a resource conflict. This exit routine is available only when you run ECMF.
Changes the way conditional resource conflicts are processed. This exit routine is available only when you run ECMF.
Changes the way batch job requeue processing occurs for batch jobs that are waiting for control of data sets. This exit routine is available only when you run ECMF
The following values let you define the status of each exit routine as well as options for protection:
Specifies either DISABLE or ENABLE for the status of the exit routine in the event of an ABEND, and DUMP or NODUMP following an ABEND.
Defaults: ENABLE and DUMP
Defines the site-specific load module that contains the routine. Every time this command is issued, this operand and value causes a module to be loaded.
If you specify LOAD without a module name, then CA MIM loads the most recently loaded module. To load a module other than this one, specify a module name.
Specifies the ABEND protection used for the routine. YES designates that, in the event of an ABEND, ABEND protection is invoked and CA MIM attempts to recover. NO lets you avoid the overhead of raising and lowering the protection for each invocation of the routine. However, in the event of an ABEND, CA MIM does not attempt to recover.
Default: NO
Specifies the status of the exit routine. ACTIVE allows you to activate the exit routine. INACTIVE allows you to stop the exit routine without having to shut down the entire product.
Default: ACTIVE
(Optional) Specifies how many minutes CA MIM waits before putting an active system into a sleep state. If this is done, then the sleeping system does not accumulate transactions on the CA MIM control file. Specify a value from 1 to 60, or NONE if you do not wish to implement this function.
Note: For more information on CA MIM performance considerations, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Default: HIBERNATE=3
(Optional) Determines how many seconds are in a service interval. CA MIM uses service intervals to determine how often to access control files if GDIF does not have transactions for other systems. Specify a value from .001 to 60 in place of the seconds variable.
Note: For more information on CA MIM performance considerations, see the chapter “Advanced Topics” in the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Default: INTERVAL=1.000
(Optional) Indicates whether CA MIM shuts down with or without abend codes U1222( SHUTDOWN LOCAL and SHUTDOWN FREE) or U1223(SHUTDOWN RESERVE). Specify one of these values on the LOCALSTOP operand:
CA MIM shuts down with abend codes.
CA MIM shuts down without abend codes.
Note that the other operands of the SHUTDOWN command (DUMP and GLOBAL) are not affected by the SETOPTION LOCALSTOP command.
Default: ABEND
(Optional) Indicates how many seconds of inaccessibility CA MIM should tolerate before notifying you that a lockout may have occurred with its current DASD control file. CA MIM issues message MIM0100 to notify you about possible lockouts on DASD or XES control files and message MIM0200 to notify you about lockouts on a virtual control file.
Specify a value from 5 to 120 in place of the seconds variable.
Default: LOCKOUT=15
(Optional) Indicates how many seconds of inactivity CA MIM should tolerate before notifying you that a system may be inactive. CA MIM considers a system to be inactive if that system has not updated its time stamp in the control file in more than this number of seconds. You will receive message MIM0061 if a system appears to be inactive. This operand also indicates how often the MIM0350 message is issued when a system is not responding to CTC communication.
Specify a value from 5 to 120 in place of the seconds variable.
Default: MARGIN=30
(Optional) Determines how long CA MIM waits before purging outstanding I/O on a CTC device. Specify from 15 seconds to 3600 seconds (one hour), or NONE to disable this function.
Note: The MIHINTERVAL value should always be less than the value specified for the IOS MIH value specified for CTC-type devices.
(Optional) Tells CA MIM that you are setting operating values for the CA MIM product rather than for a specific facility. Because SVCDUMP is the name of both a CA MIM operand and an EDIF operand, you must specify the MIM operand before the SVCDUMP operand to distinguish it from the EDIF version of this operand. Also specify the CA MIM operand if you want to truncate an operand in a way that may be ambiguous with operands for a facility.
Because CA MIM is a positional operand, you must specify it before any other operand.
(Optional) Determines whether CA MIM waits for a service interval or a service cycle to expire before accessing the control file. You can use this operand to override the value for the MODE parameter on the MIMINIT statement.
Note: For more information on CA MIM performance considerations, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Specify one of these values on the MODE operand:
Specifies that CA MIM should access the control file whenever GDIF has an ENQ or RESERVE request to propagate. If GDIF does not have a transaction by the time a service interval expires, then CA MIM sees whether the other global facilities (that is, GTAF and GCMF) have transactions. If so, CA MIM accesses the control file. Otherwise, CA MIM waits until a service cycle expires and then accesses the control file.
Specifies that CA MIM should wait until a service interval expires before seeing whether any of the global facilities has a transaction. If so, then CA MIM accesses the control file. Otherwise, CA MIM waits until a service cycle expires and then accesses the control file.
(Optional) Reverses or turns off settings that were previously made using the SETPRINT option. After using RESETPRINT, the options you specify will no longer be sent to the MIM trace data set, but will continue to be stored in the CA MIM internal trace table.
For a list of values that can be used for RESETPRINT, see SETTRACE.
Note: For more information on CA MIM diagnostic tracing, see the chapter “Troubleshooting” in the CA MIM Programming Guide.
(Optional) Reverses or turns off settings that were previously made using SETTRACE. After using RESETTRACE, the options you specify are no longer recorded in the CA MIM internal trace table. For a list of values that can be used for RESETTRACE, see SETTRACE.
Note: For more information on CA MIM diagnostic tracing, see the chapter “Troubleshooting” in the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Set the maximum number of times that the Restart Manager will automatically restart the MIMDRDRV task after an unexpected failure.
(Optional) Controls whether events that are recorded in the CA MIM internal trace table are also sent to the MIM trace data set. For a list of values that can also be used for SETPRINT, see SETTRACE. SETPRINT is dependent upon SETTRACE, because only operands that have been specified in both SETTRACE and SETPRINT are sent to the MIM trace data set.
Note: For more information on CA MIM diagnostic tracing, see the chapter “Troubleshooting” in the CA MIM Programming Guide.
(Optional) Enables the recording of specific program events in the CA MIM internal trace table. You can specify one or more of the values listed below to activate different kinds of traces. When you issue multiple SETOPTION MIM SETTRACE commands, the effect is cumulative. For more information on CA MIM diagnostic tracing, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Valid options are:
Activates all of the following trace options, except DIAGNOSE.
Activates tracing for the options: VCFBLKIO, VCFIO, VCFLOGIC, VCFPUSHPOP, and VCFSTATE.
The following are valid values:
ALL--Activates tracing for all service types
TPDVD--Activates tracing for CA MIA Device Data API request processing.
DRENV--Activates tracing for DRENV API service type events.
Traces block reads and writes to the CA MIM DASD control file.
Traces checkpoint subtask I/O functions.
Traces CA MIM commands.
Traces diagnostic records.
Traces routine entry/exit flow through the various CA MIM facilities.
Traces CA MIM complex and member state values at various points in the control file cycle.
Traces basic information about transactions sent and received. Specify the transaction identifiers in hexadecimal format using the following syntax:
n --specifies a transaction identifier.
Note: Transaction identifiers are internally defined values unique to CA MIM. You should only use the SETTRACE=TRANSACTION command when directed by CA Technical Support.
When you specify the SETPRINT option, you do not specify any additional operands. You will receive information based on what identifiers you set on the command:
Traces block reads and writes to the CA MIM virtual control file.
Traces VCF I/O operations.
Traces VCF virtual reserve/release processing.
Traces routine entry/exit flow through VCF-specific modules.
Traces state values at various points in VCF-specific logic.
(Optional) Specifies the default value for how you want to stop CA MIM. The value you choose for the SHUTDOWN operand is the default value chosen if you issue a CA MIM SHUTDOWN command without any operands.
If you choose to shut down CA MIM with a value other than the default you set with the SHUTDOWN operand, then you must use that value as an operand on the CA MIM SHUTDOWN command. Specify one of the following values on the SHUTDOWN operand:
(Optional) Stops CA MIM on the local system with a U1122 user ABEND code. CA MIM also requests an ABEND dump.
Warning! Integrity exposures can occur when you specify this operand.
Note: For more information about possible integrity exposures when stopping CA MIM, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
(Optional) Shuts down CA MIM on the local system and leaves it in a freed state (as if a 'FREE' sysid was issued on an external system). No ABEND dump is requested. CA MIM stops with an ABEND code U1222 if SETOPTION MIM LOCALSTOP=ABEND. FREE is similar to LOCAL, except that it prevents MIM0061 messages from being issued on other systems.
Warning! Integrity exposures can occur when you specify this operand. For more information about possible integrity exposures when stopping CA MIM, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Stops CA MIM on all systems without producing an ABEND or an ABEND dump.
We recommend that you specify the GLOBAL operand when you are stopping CA MIM in multiple-system or multiple-image environments, except in an emergency.
This value stops CA MIM without allowing integrity exposures to occur. CA MIM does not stop until all RESERVE requests that were converted have been released through DEQ requests.
(Optional) Stops CA MIM on the local system immediately. No ABEND dump is requested. CA MIM stops with an ABEND code U1222 if SETOPTION MIM LOCALSTOP=ABEND.
Important! Integrity exposures can occur when you specify this operand. For more information about possible integrity exposures when stopping CA MIM, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
(Optional) Stops CA MIM on the local system with a U1223 ABEND if SETOPTION MIM LOCALSTOP=ABEND. On other systems, GDIF stops eliminating hardware reserves and stops propagating RESERVE requests as global ENQ requests. GDIF retains hardware reserves unconditionally until you identify this system as temporarily inactive (through the FREE command) or until CA MIM is restarted on this system. You can use the abbreviation RSV for this operand.
Note: For more information about possible integrity exposures when stopping CA MIM, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
(Optional) Controls the creation of statistical records for CA MIM reports. Specify one of the following values:
Turns on statistical record collection for all record subtypes.
Turns off all statistical record collection.
Specifies the record subtypes for which statistical recording is turned off.
Specifies the record subtypes for which statistical recording is turned on.
The record subtypes for the CA MIM general reports are:
CF-Control file performance data record subtype.
CP-Cell pool storage data record type.
FC-Control file I/O count data record subtype.
LS-Lost event records.
VF-Virtual control file performance data record subtype.
(Optional) Specifies how often, in seconds, statistical data is sampled for CA MIM reports. The range is from .01 to 60.00.
Default: STATCYCLE=60.00
(Optional) Specifies how often, in minutes, statistical data samples are recorded for use in CA MIM reports. The range is from 1 to 1440.
(Optional) Activates and deactivates the TRACE feature. It also lets you deallocate the existing MIM trace data set and allocate a new SYSOUT data set dynamically. Specify one of these values on the TRACE operand:
Deallocates the current MIM trace data set and dynamically allocates a new SYSOUT data set for the TRACE feature.
Specofoes the SYSOUT class CA MIM should use for the SYSOUT data set you are allocating.
Default: CLASS=A
Specifies an optional job name (or mask) that is used to filter trace events that are created by front-end intercept routines. To determine which trace events support job name filtering, see the SETTRACE operand descriptions. You can use the following wildcard characters:
# -- Matches a single character in the job name. For example, PAYROLL# matches job names of PAYROLL1, PAYROLL2, and so on.
* -- Matches the remainder of the job name string. For example, SYS* matches job names SYSPROG, SYSTEST, and SYSTEM3.
Specifies the threshold of internally queued MIM trace- and MIMEVENT-generated trace records.
nnnn--Specifies the MAXQUEUED threshold. This value can be an integer between 1024 and 99999999, inclusive.
NOLIMIT--Indicates that no threshold is to be set.
Default: MAXQUEUED=1024
Deactivates the TRACE feature.
This activates the TRACE feaure
Queues the current MIM trace data set for printing and dynamically allocates a new SYSOUT data set for the TRACE feature.
(Optional) This is a diagnostic parameter and is to be used only when you are directed to do so by CA Technical Support.
(Optional) Determines whether CA MIM should cancel a virtual control file reserve held by a non-master system for a lengthy period of time. If you do not want CA MIM to cancel long control file reserves, then specify NONE. However, we recommend that you do specify a value for this operand, since without it you would be allowing an indefinite control file lock to occur in your complex.
To activate VCFFORCE, specify the time CA MIM should wait before the master system cancels the reserve held by the non-communicating system. The minimum time is 3 minutes and the maximum time is 60 minutes. The default is 5 minutes.
Note: Use caution with this function, because problems can result when a reserve is canceled on a system that is only temporarily inactive. A system may become active again after the virtual control file reserve has been canceled. To prevent possible integrity exposures, CA MIM forces that system to terminate.
Default: VCFFORCE=5
(Optional) Determines how long a delay CA MIM should tolerate when trying to access its virtual control file. CA MIM issues message MIM0200 to notify you about possible lockouts.
Specify a value from 1.00 to 240.00 in place of the seconds variable.
This operand affects CA MIM only when you are using CTCDASD or CTCONLY communication.
(Optional) Determines what minimum waiting period must pass between the times CA MIM accesses its virtual control file. This operand affects CA MIM only when using virtual control files.
Specify the number of milliseconds CA MIM should wait in place of the milliseconds variable. If you specify 0, then CA MIM sends transactions immediately. Otherwise, specify a value from .001 to 500 (inclusive).
You should use the initial value 0 unless CA MIM services requests so quickly that a system experiences too many I/O operations.
This parameter has no effect on a slave system, only the current VCFMASTER system.
(Optional) Determines the preferred medium for the VCF communication. SETOPT VCFPREFERENCE requires COMPATLEVEL 12.0 or higher.
CA MIM attempts to use an XCF path when XCF is specified as the preferred method of VCF communication.
CA MIM attempts to use a CTC path when CTC is specified as the preferred method of communication.
When a preferred path is not available for CA MIM to use, CA MIM uses any available path.
This command has an immediate effect when issued on a slave system. The slave system immediately switches to using a preferred path when one is available to the master system.
This command has no immediate effect when issued on a master system. However, the new preference is saved and will be enforced if the master system becomes a slave in the future.
This command has no immediate effect if VCF is not the current method of communication. However, the new preference is saved and will be enforced if a future migration to VCF occurs.
(Optional) Determines whether CA MIM should initiate automatic recovery when the current master system stops communicating. If you do not want CA MIM to perform this function, then specify NONE. However, we recommend that you do specify a value for this operand.
To activate VCFRECOVERY, specify the time CA MIM should wait before initiating recovery. The minimum time for this option is 20 seconds and the maximum is 3600 seconds (1 hour). The default is 120 seconds.
During automatic recovery, CA MIM selects a new master system and initiates migration to the new master. CA MIM issues periodic MIM0200 messages until the master begins communicating again.
Default: VCFRECOVERY=120
Note: The VCFRECOVERY value should always be greater than the value specified for the SETOPTION VCFMAXDELAY command. It is recommended that you specify a value for VCFRECOVERY at least two times greater than the value specified for VCFMAXDELAY.
Determines whether CA MIM makes a portion of its work eligible to run on zIIP engines. If you do not want CA MIM address space units of work to be eligible to run in zIIP engines, then specify NO.
CA MIM allows a portion of its work to become eligible to run on zIIP engines.
CA MIM does not allow a portion of its work to become eligible to run on zIIP engines.
Default: ZIIP=NO
Example: SETOPTION MIM Command
To set the authorization-checking interval to 12 hours and set the command character as %, issue the following command:
To represent the command character in hexadecimal format, you would specify CMDPREFIX=X'6C' in place of CMDPREFIX=%.
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