The LND Connector uses the Domino Java API to access the Domino server using CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture).The server’s initial object is obtained as an IOR (Interoperable Object Reference) using HTTP, and further objects are obtained using an IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol) connection. The Notes client is not required on the client system, but it must contain NCSO.jar in the classpath.
To set up the Domino server for this remote access, the server must be accessible through TCP/IP. You must be able to ping the server using its Internet host name (for example, Additionally, the HTTP and DIIOP tasks must be enabled on the Domino server, by either adding them to the ServerTasks variable in the server’s notes.ini file or, manually loading them at the server console.
The server document should be modified to allow and restrict access as desired. The following are some suggested settings:
On the Security tab, in the Server Access section:
On the Security tab, in the Programmability Restrictions section:
On the Security tab, in the Internet Access section:
On the Ports tab, under Internet Ports, for DIIOP:
On the Internet Protocols tab, under HTTP, in the R5 Basics section
You must also copy the database templates, REGARCHV.NTF and REGCERTS.NTF from
to the data folder of the Domino Server endpoint.
(Windows) <lotus-home>\Data
(UNIX) /local/notesdata
While logged in as the Domino Administrator account used by the LND Connector,
A list of agents located in each template is displayed.
This signs each of the agents by the administrative user that the connector is deployed within your environment.
Note: This step is necessary before you acquire the endpoint for the first time. If you already have the databases regarc.nsf and regcert.nsf created,in addition to doing this step you will need to perform a 'Refresh design' in the Domino Administrator (switch to file view and select each regarc.nsf and regcert.nsf in turn and perform refresh by navigating to the file menu and selecting 'Database followed by Refresh Design'.
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