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Install the LND Connector with JCS

Follow this procedure to install the LND connector with the Java Connector Server.

To install the LND Connector

  1. Run the setup.exe program of the Provisioning Server installation package and select LND connector.
  2. Run the setup.exe program of the JCS installation package to install the Java Connector Server with the LND option.
  3. Copy the NCSO.jar file from the following locations (if the connector is going to communicate with endpoints of differing versions, use the file from the lowest numbered version):

    Version 6.5 and 7: lotus-home\NCSO.jar

    Version 8: lotus-home\NCSO.jar



    Specifies the Lotus Notes Domino installation directory. Defaults to: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\data\domino\java (Versions 6.5 and 7) or C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Domino\data\java (Version 8)

    to jcs-home\extlib\



    Specifies C:\Program Files\CA\Identity Manager\Connector Server\ of the JCS installed machine. If you use SSL to communicate with the Domino Server, the “TrustedCerts.class” file (generated by Domino when SSL is set up on the Domino server) must be in the classpath on the JCS system. For more information on prerequisites for SSL, click here.

  4. Restart the CA Identity Manager - Connector Server (Java) service.