The Java version of the LND Connector (installed with the Java Connector Server) provides the same functionality as the previous (eTrust Admin r8.1) C++ version of the LND Connector with the added benefit of DJX support, but there are a few things to consider when switching from the C++ version.
Doing this routes requests from the Provisioning Server to the Java CS for the LND endpoint type. See "Install the LND Connector with JCS" for more information.
from the server installation directory
(Windows) <lotus-home>\Data\domino\java
(UNIX) /local/notesdata/domino/java
and im_jcs restarted.
Two sample files with the prefix of "SAMPLE" are provided including one covering DJX mappings. the override connector.xml file of the Java LND Connector. For existing LND endpoints, the credential information currently stored in the registry is no longer required.
Note: The directory specified must already exist. The LND Connector will not create the directory. An example of this setting:
(Windows) $Reg_TemDir=c:\lotus\domino\data\temp
(Windows) $Reg_TemDir=\\user01w2k3\c$\lotus\domino\data\temp
(UNIX) $Reg_TemDir=/local/notesdata/temp
The value is necessary for the temporary placement of ID files during ID password changes. For ID password changes to be successful, the ID must be located on the server at the time of the change. The value is also necessary for the temporary placement of ID files during account and certifier creation if another location is not specified for the ID.
The LND connector uses the remote access support provided in the Lotus Domino Toolkit for Java/CORBA 2.1 to communicate with the endpoint.
Note: Account operations are not supported on accounts that are in a secondary directory and require the intervention or spawning of requests from the Domino administration process ‘adminp’.
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