The LND migration is driven by a text menu-driven interface. When run for the first time, information to be used to connect to a Provisioning Server is requested (defaults are presented in square [] brackets) and password characters are displayed as stars (*) to prevent snooping. Once a successful connection to the Provisioning Server is achieved, all of the connection details (except password) are saved and can be recalled using a simple number displayed as a label the next time the migration interface is run.
When connecting to a Provisioning Server, the migration script queries for all of the existing LND endpoints that are registered within the Provisioning Server. You are then given an opportunity to review the settings for each endpoint (port number, use SSL, and so forth). Once a successful connection to the LND endpoint is achieved, the details entered for it are saved in the Provisioning Server and the data migration itself takes place.
From the bin folder of the Connector Server, find LNDMigrate.bat for Windows and LNDMigrate (without .sh) for UNIX environments to start the migration.
Log files are generated in
Following are the migration updates that take place:
Note: The values of eTLNDLocalAdmin and eTLNDManager contain special syntax to differentiate “Unique OU”. Refer to section How Managed Objects are Referred to in the Java LND Connector for details. If the account template does not have an LND endpoint assigned, the values of eTLNDLocalAdmin and eTLNDManager will not be converted to “Unique OU” syntax for unique OUs, instead all unique OUs will be treated as real OUs.
Important! After the migration tool has run successfully, you must re-run the exploration and correlation for those endpoints that have just been migrated in order to update the account DN syntax stored in the repository and fix all the broken links between the accounts and global users due to the changed account DN syntax.
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