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ImageX and Ghost32 in the GETIMAGE-Structure

If do not have Windows AIK installed or you have not provided the path to the imaging tool during the creation of support OS image, you can copy the required files to the GETIMAGE-structure manually.


If you are using ImageX, copy the ImageX-files

- imagex.exe
- intlcfg.exe
- wimfltr.inf
- wimfltr.sys
- wimgapi.dll

from the Windows AIK installation directory

C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\ 

to the OSIM image store:

<OSIM-image store>\<imagename>\<imagename>\imagex\

If you are using Ghost32, copy the 32bit-ghost.exe to

<OSIM-image store>\<imagename>\<imagename>\ghost32\ghost.exe