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decodDat.exe Command--Create a Parameter File With Localized Parameter Values

This decodDat command creates a parameter file with localized parameter values. It searches the input files for parameters with names that end with "_UTF8$". When found, their values are converted to the given locale. "_UTF8" is removed from their names and the resulting parameter is written to the output file. Non-convertible characters are replaced by "?".

Note: There are different versions for win32 and amd64.

This command has the following format:

decoddat [-v] [-l locale] [-d charmaps_directory] [-u] -o output_file input_file

If present, the copyright and version information is written to stdout.

-l locale

Name of the locale.

Default: ENU

-d charmaps_directory.

Name of the charmaps directory.

Default: CAWIN


If present, a parameter $OSPasswdUxSV$ is generated from $OSPasswd$.

-o output_file input_file

Name of the output file and the input file.


decodDat -l ENU -d m:\DOSmaps -o c:\canpcloc.dat c:canpcext.dat