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Internal Boot Server Structure of WinPE Boot Images

The boot image directory, UNDI, can include DOS boot images like osinstal.2 and osinstal.3 or description files of boot images, like winpe2.2.

Nevertheless, a sequence of multiple boot images is possible even in combination with DOS boot images. E.G. winpe2.2, winpe2.3, winpe2.4 , boothd.

A description file defines a link to the real WinPE2.2 boot image directory, which can contain multiple files.

Example: Contents of the Description File for winpex86.2

;Properties of the image
imageflags=F140-2 petftp
;Type of bootimage
;Directory containing the bootimage files
;Network loader for the bootimage which is stored in "Bootimagedir"
;The boot server switches to the next boot image or boothd
;if this file from "Bootimagedir" is downloaded.