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Manage OS Installations

Use one of the following methods to assign an operating system image to a named PXE computer:

For example, copy the OS image myghost2 and paste it on the computer abcde.

  1. Select an image from Software, All Boot and OS Images, for example, myghost2.
  2. Right-click and select Copy.
  3. Select OS Installation Parameters for the target computer in Computers and Users, All Computers, for example, abcde, right-click and select Paste, OS Image to Install.

A new planned OS installation will be created on the target computer. You can view the installation parameters in the OS installation Parameters node under the target computer in DSM Explorer. You can change parameters before activating the OS installation.

Boot Parameters

You can add or modify boot parameters of OSIM OS images to have greater control over the delivered setup files and configuration scripts. You can modify the boot parameters at OS Image or OS Installation level. Modifying the boot parameters at the OS Image level, sets the modified value as the default value for all deployments based on the OS image. If you modify the boot parameters at the OS Installation level, the modified values are only set for the target machine.

Boot Parameter Settings

The following section details the boot parameters for OS images:


Specifies the user name that is created during installation. OSIM uses a non-privileged user name but not a root account. Verify that you do not use reserved user names, such as root and wheel.

Default: osimuser


Specifies the password that is associated with the OSUser.

Default: default

Note: For VMware ESXi, RH5XPE, and RHEL6 the default password is 123Default-


Specifies the host name for the installed system.

For VMware ESXi, it works only when the value of bootproto is "static".

The HostName is set with the same name as the Host Name entered in the New Computer Pre-registration wizard.

To enable OSIM on a computer where the given HostName is not OSIM-compliant, you have to change the HostName by selecting the computer in the DSM Explorer, right-clicking Properties, and selecting the OSIM tab.

Enable the computer for OSIM and type in a correct, OSIM-compliant host name.

For example, change "Mein schöner + großer Computer" to "MeinSchoenerGrosserComputer".

The Host Name can be changed later in the OS Installation parameters, but only as long as no DSM agent has reported the computer to the DSM manager.

The installation of a VMware ESXi Server does not register the host name in DNS. The host name is only defined locally on the ESX Server. For remote access, such as by the VMware vSphere-client, you have to use the assigned IP address instead. If you need a custom host name:


The parameter presetting is the name of the NFS share as specified during the creation of the OS image. You can change the value before initiating the OS installation.


If the OS Image uses a central NFS share, this parameter defines the name or IP address of the server providing the NFS share. If the value is empty, the assigned boot server is assumed to be the NFS server.

Note: If you specify a name for a VMware ESXi installation, the name must be a full qualified name (FQN).


Specifies the name of the network device and defaults to vmnic0. For VMware ESXi this parameter (vmnic0, vmnic1 …) refers to the uplink device for the virtual switch that is created for the service console. This parameter (eth0, eth1 …) specifies an Ethernet device for the installation.


Defines whether to use static or DHCP enabled IP address. When you want to use static IP address, change the default setting from DHCP to static.

The following boot parameters need special consideration when static IP addresses are used.


Defines the IP address of the machine to be installed.


Designates the default gateway as an IP address.


Specifies the subnet mask for the installed system. The default value is


Designates the primary name server as an IP address. The IP address of a secondary name server can be added with a preceding comma.


Defines a search list for host name lookup. Use spaces for separating multiple suffixes.


Defines the name of the boot image.

For Windows installation, the value of this parameter can be a 32 or 64-bit WinPE image. The default value is WinPE 3.0 (AIK 2.0) 64-bit.

Linux installations like Kubuntu OS require a DOS or DOSX boot image such as "osinstal.2". OS installations like VMware ESXi, RHEL,Citrix XenServer require Linux-based boot image.

Note: This parameter must be set if the job inherited the name of a WinPE boot image from previous Windows installations.


(For Linux-based boot image only) Specifies the install device name. The user specifies this boot parameter to determine the local disk for OS installation. The default value is empty and the first available local disk is used for OS Installation.

InstallAgent (yes|no)

This boot parameter is used by the OS image and the OSIM manager to determine whether to install a DSM agent and to use the agent registration to signal completion of the OS installation. It defaults to Yes.

For Hypervisors (VMware ESXi, Citrix Xenserver), set this parameter to No. The installation status does not change to current (completed) as there is no native DSM agent available.


SignalCompletion signals the completion of the OS installation in addition to the InstallAgent parameter.

When the SignalCompletion parameter is set to Yes, the completion of OS installation sends a TFTP-based signal to the host boot server. The host boot server signals OS installation completion and changes configuration state to "current".

CA ITCM agent installation is not supported on VMware ESXi 4.1, VMware ESXi 5.1, and Citrix XenServer hypervisors. Hence, InstallAgent parameter is set to No by default for these operating systems.

The following table describes the SignalCompletion and InstallAgent settings for the four use cases:

InstallAgent Value

SignalCompletion Value

Status of the OS Installation Job



Job is marked as current after successful OS installation.



Job is marked as current on the OS that have agent support in CA ITCM. For other OS like hypervisors, the job remains in installing state.



Job is marked as current after the successful OS installation.



Job is marked as current after the Boot Image downloaded.

Domain, DomainPasswd, DomainUser

If the parameters are set with values for a domain, the OS installation will add the target to the given domain. OSIM will use the DomainUser and the DomainPasswds parameters to get access to the domain controller.


An optional VLAN ID can be passed though to configuration. This is an integer value between 0 and 4095.


This boot parameter specifies the ESXi license key as used during installation. If not set (or set to 000-000000), then ESXi will be installed in evaluation mode.

Kubuntu OS image

The following boot parameters require special consideration for Kubuntu OS image:


Specifies the exported shared directory name from where the OS files are accessed for the OS installation.

Country and Language

Specifies the country and language for OS installation. The installer uses these two parameters to determine the language of the OS. If the combination does not form a valid locale, the installer automatically selects a locale that is valid for the selected language. For example, Country=Germany and Language=German causes the installer to install the OS in German. For a list of supported locale, see the Ubuntu documentation.


Specifies the keyboard layout, which is independent of the country and language setting.


Specifies the protocol that the installer uses to access the boot server and Ubuntu repository for configurations and packages. Use either FTP or HTTP.

Note: Verify that you use the same method for OS deployment as the server you have configured on the boot server. For example, if you have configured an FTP server on the boot server, during the deployment of OS to the boot server, the SD agent creates an FTP share. If you then create an OSIM job using the HTTP method, deployment fails with the error "Failed to retrieve preconfiguration file".


Specifies the name or IP address of the server providing the Ubuntu FTP or HTTP accessible repository.

Default: IP address of the boot server

Note: Verify that you have exposed the mirror repository share with the protocol you have selected. For example, if you select FTP here but you have only configured HTTP access to the share, the installation displays a warning message: “Bad archive mirror.”


Specifies name of the root entry of the repository for Kubuntu images

Example: /ubuntu

Citrix XenServer Boot Parameters

The following boot parameters require special consideration for Citrix Xenserver:


(Available for XenServer Deployment) The name of storage device to store the guests. This parameter supports multiple formats like logical name sda, sdb or SANID or WWID or disk/by-id/scsi-SANID or disk/by-id/scsi-WWID.

Warning! in case of target with both local and remote (SAN) disks, supply of the logical names like sda, sdb etc. may not be persistent for OS installation.


(Available for XenServer Deployment) The name of the folder where the installer must look for the packages. Use 'packages.main' for default install. If Linux support is required, ensure packages.linux is copied to the parent folder and choose the empty folder name.


(Available for XenServer Deployment) This parameter specifies wheteher a guest storage repository is created on the disk where the control domain is specified or not.

SAN ID Parameter

The SANID boot parameter is added to the ESXi OS or RHEL OS images to identify a specific target related to a particular SAN logical unit number (LUN) or Disk. This provision ensures that the specified LUN or Disk is explicitly selected. SANID boot parameter holds the identifier value that is associated with the specified Disk or LUN like World Wide Name (WWN) or World Wide Identifier (WWID) based on Network Address Authority (NAA) format.

The supported formats (with example values) for SANID are:


For backward compatibility, support for the SANID value in the attribute=value format is available as shown below:


The support for providing the SANID parameter using EUI format is dropped from this release.

When the SANID value is empty, the ESXi installation scripts use the first available local disk for the installation per the existing behavior. Also, this disk must be the first disk in the BIOS boot sequence.