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Cross Reference Processor

Tracks all references to data items

The Cross Reference Processor analyzes a collection of data usage files to track all references to data elements throughout a system of COBOL programs. Control statements assign a descriptive title to each subset of records to be reported together (most commonly a file), specify the 01-level records that are to be associated with each title, and specify processing options.


Output form this module are two reports that provide extensive cross-reference information about the system of programs: the System Data Cross-Reference Report and the Dictionary of Data Names Report. These reports aid in developing control statements for the DDDL Generator.

What follows

This chapter presents an overview of the Cross Reference Processor, describes its control statements and reports, and provides instructions for executing the Cross Reference Processor under z/OS and z/VSE.

This section contains the following topics:


Developing a File of Control Statements

Filling in Worksheets

Parameter Statement

Title Statement

Selection Statement

Sample Control File

System Data Cross-Reference Report

Dictionary of Data Names Report

Executing the Cross Reference Processor