JCL for executing the Program Processor under z/OS and z/VSE is shown below. Under z/VSE, processing options must be specified with the parameter statement. Under z/OS, although the parameter statement can be used, it is usually easier to specify options by using the PARM clause of the EXEC statement.
//PRANCOB EXEC PGM=PRANCOB,REGION=1024K,PARM='parameter options' //STEPLIB DD DSN=idms.dba.loadlib,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=idms.custom.loadlib,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=idms.cagjload,DISP=SHR //PRANLIB DD DSN=user.copylib,DISP=SHR ◄ Include only if program contains COBOL COPY statements //PRANREF DD DSN=reflib(member-name),DISP=OLD ◄ Include only if using LIBRARY option //PRANREF DD DSN=sysref,DISP=((NEW,catlg), ◄ Include only if using DISK option // UNIT=disk,VOL=SER=nnnnnn, // SPACE=(trk,(10,10),rlse), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3120 //PRANWRK DD UNIT=disk,SPACE=(cyl,(5,5)) //dcmsg DD DSN=idms.sysmsg.ddldcmsg,DISP=SHR //sysjrnl DD * //SYSLST DD SYSOUT=A //SYSIDMS DD * dmcl=dmcl-name Insert other SYSIDMS parameters as appropriate //SYSIPT DD * Insert COBOL source statements
Description |
idms.dba.loadlib |
Data set name of the load library containing the DMCL and database name table load modules |
idms.custom.loadlib |
Data set name of the load library containing customized CA IDMS system software modules |
idms.cagjload |
Data set name of the load library containing CA IDMS system software modules that do not require customization |
BLKSIZE=3120 |
Block size of data usage file; must be multiple of 80 |
catlg |
disposition of new file: CATLG, PASS or KEEP |
cyl,(5,5) |
file space allocation of work file |
disk |
symbolic device name of disk file |
nnnnnn |
serial number of disk volume |
parameter options |
options associated with the Parameter statement for the Program Processor. Multiple options can be specified; keywords must be separated by blanks or commas; the entire entry must be enclosed in single quotes. Note that the keyword PRAN shown in the syntax for the parameter statement must not be included with options specified here. |
reflib(member-name) |
data set name of data usage file |
sysref |
data set name of data usage file |
trk,(10,10),rlse |
file space allocation of data usage file |
user.copylib |
data set name of COBOL copy book library |
dcmsg |
DDname of the system message (DDLDCMSG) area |
idms.sysmsg.ddldcmsg |
Data set name of system message (DDLDCMSG) area |
DDname of the CA IDMS parameter file specifying runtime directives and operating system-dependent parameters. Note: For a description of the SYSIDMS parameter file, see the CA IDMS Common Facilities Guide. |
Note: Note that the larger the value specified in the REGION parameter, the more efficiently the Program Processor will run.
Note: The DISK option and LIBRARY option are documented in num=3.Cross Reference Processor.
// DLBL SSLn,'user.srclib'
// EXTENT ,nnnnnn // LIBDEF SL,SEARCH=SSLn,TEMP // DLBL PRANREF,'sysref',2099/365,SD // EXTENT SYS010,nnnnnn,1,,ssss,200 // ASSGN SYS010,DISK,VOL=nnnnnn,SHR // DLBL PRANWRK,'pranwork',0,SD // EXTENT SYS011,nnnnnn,1,ssss,300 // ASSGN SYS011,DISK,VOL=nnnnnn,SHR // EXEC PRANCOB,SIZE=750K parameter statements(s) =COPY IDMS member statement or COBOL source statements /*
Parameter |
Description |
nnnnnn |
serial number of disk volume |
pranwork |
file-id for work file |
ssss |
starting track (CKD) or block (FBA) of disk extent |
sysref |
file-id for sequential file containing data usage file |
SYS010 |
logical unit assignment for data usage file (SYS010 required) |
SSLn |
filename of source statement library |
SYS011 |
logical unit assignment for work file (SYS011 required) |
user.srclib |
source statement library containing data usage files |
Note: The keyword PRAN must appear at the beginning of each parameter statement. PRAN is only used in the parameter statement for this component.
Note: The Program Processor must run in a partition that is at least 750 K. The larger the partition size, the more efficiently the Program Processor will run.
JCL for z/VSE source statement library
The optional JCL shown below places the data usage file generated by the Program Processor into a source statement library. From the source statement library, data usage files can be accessed by the Cross Reference Processor and the DDDL Generator.
If the source statement library option is to be used, add this JCL to the JCL for executing the Program Processor, shown above.
Note that the output is placed in the X. sublibrary.
Parameter |
Description |
SSLn |
filename of source statement library |
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