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How Subscription Works with Online Clients

The default online subscription proxy and other subscription proxies you configure get subscription updates from the CA Subscription server. They bypass an HTTP proxy server, if configured.

The following illustration depicts a simple online scenario with the CA Subscription server, the default online subscription proxy, the CA Enterprise Log Manager management server, and some subscription clients:

The online subscription proxy downloads all subscription updates. This proxy pushes content and configuration updates to the CA EEM server.  Subscription clients download the binary updates from this proxy. Clients then install the updates.

A description of the process shown by the numbered arrows follows:

  1. When the Administrator initially configures the Global Service Configuration: Subscription Module and specifies the RSS feed URL, the subscription proxy accesses the CA Subscription server through the RSS Feed URL to get the list of available modules for download. When the Administrator selects the modules to download, the system determines what updates have not yet been downloaded to the online proxy. The online subscription proxy downloads new subscription updates, possibly through a local HTTP proxy server. Subscription updates include content updates as well as product and operating system updates.
  2. The online subscription proxy pushes content and configuration updates to the CA Enterprise Log Manager management server component that stores this type of information for all CA Enterprise Log Managers in the environment.
  3. Subscription clients poll the subscription proxy server. If new updates are available, the subscription clients download them. The download is a zip file containing product and operating system updates, a script to install them, and a component information file (componentinfo.xml). If a backup is needed, the subscription clients creates a backup of the latest installation of product updates and also create a script that can restore the state of updates, should you require a rollback of changes. (The backup does not include operating system updates.) Then, the subscription clients run the installation script that installs the product updates.