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Set Display Preferences for Keys

You use the Key tab in the Theme Editor to set the preferences for displaying the alternate keys and inversion entities in your model.

To set display preferences for keys

  1. Click Themes on the View menu.

    The Theme Editor opens.

  2. Select the Theme for which you want to set the display preferences, and click the Key tab.
  3. Work with the following options:
    Key Display Preference

    Style Preference

    Specifies whether to show the alternate key (AK) style or the inversion entity (IE) style preference when both apply.

    Alternate Key (AK) Column Font

    Font Options

    Specifies the default font for the alternate key column. Click Theme Editor Default Font Tool to change the font style details. You can also choose to inherit, override, or harden this setting.

    Inversion Entity (IE) Column Font

    Font Options

    Specifies the default font for the inversion entity column. Click Theme Editor Default Font Tool to change the font style details. You can also choose to inherit, override, or harden this setting.

    Your selections are displayed in the respective Sample sections.

  4. Click Close.

    Your changes are saved and the Theme Editor closes.

Note: You cannot select to inherit, override, or harden any display setting for the Default Theme.

More information:

Define the General Font Options