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Use the Find and Find Next Options

You can do a text search at the transaction, object, or property level in the Action Log or the Complete Compare Resolve Differences dialog using the Find feature. You can match the case, the whole word, or search up. You can search for the next occurrence of the text entered using the Find Next feature.

Note: This option is available on the Details and Summary panes. Since the Summary pane does not have transaction nodes, this option is not applicable on this pane.

To use the Find option

  1. Click Find on the toolbar.

    The Find dialog opens.

  2. Enter the text you want to find and select from the following options:

    Searches Transaction, Object, or Property levels. The default is object level.

    By default the search includes the entire tree, starting from the current selection point. If there is no current selection point, then the root node of the tree is used as the starting point. If the search did not start at the root node, the search wraps to the beginning of the tree once the end is reached. If you choose to restrict your search to the currently selected branch, the Search Up option is disabled.

    Match Case

    Searches case-sensitive text.

    Match whole word

    Searches for the entire text string.

    Search Up

    Searches for the text from the bottom up. The default is to search from the top down.

  3. Click Find to start the search.

    The text is selected. If the search text is not located, a message appears to tell you that the specified text was not found. The search terminates once it reaches its starting point and provides a message that there are no more matches for the search text you specified.

  4. Click Find Next to repeat the last search you specified and find the next occurrence of the text.

    The next occurrence is selected.

More information:

Use the Filter Criteria Option