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Property Editor Tabs and Options

All property editors include tabs in the lower portion of the editor that include specific features relevant to the editor. Other options enable you to undo and redo actions, and display details about an action.

Property Editor Tabs and Options

General Tab

Provides the main features and options for the object. When you click a displayed option, such as a drop-down list, additional features display that allow you to enter free text, or select the relevant value.

<Target Server> Tab

Provides advanced options that are specific to the target server of the physical model.

Common Tabs

Provides additional functionality relevant to the object. For example, many editors allow you to enter definitions or notes. Most editors allow you to create User-Defined Properties. Others let you view where an object is used within the model in a Where Used tab. Other tabs are displayed when a link to a related editor is relevant. For example, in databases that allow modeling of security features, a Privilege tab displays that enables you to work with privileges.


Provides icons you can click to undo the last action or redo the previous action within the editor. Click the Details button to open the Advisory Message Dialog that displays details about the action.