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Property Inheritance Features for Modeling Objects

When you are working in a property editor in either a logical or physical model, buttons are provided where valid that let you manage whether a property value can be inherited, overridden, or hardened. The following visual cues appear where this option is valid:

Inherit Button for Restoring Property Inheritance Inherit

Specifies to inherit the property value from the parent.

Override Property Inheritance Override

Specifies to override inheritance for the property value.

Harden Button for Hardening a Property or Name Harden

Specifies to harden the property name.

Example: Property with Inherit and Override Options

Domain Editor_Inherit and Override Buttons Example

Example: Property with Inherit, Override, and Harden Options

Override Domain Physical Name

You can also use the toolbar option to open the Reset Properties dialog to select from a list of properties that can have their values reset. This dialog provides a convenient way to reset many properties at once, rather than by a single field in a property editor.

Example: Reset property inheritance using the toolbar in a property editor

Domain Editor Reset Properties Toolbar Button

Example: Reset Properties dialog for resetting domain properties

Domain Editor_Reset Properties Dialog