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Property Editor Toolbar

You can quickly access features for each editor on the toolbar. The toolbar includes the following options:

property editor PREVIOUS icon Previous

Position the editor on the previous object in the Navigation Grid.

property editor NEXT icon Next

Position the editor on the next object in the Navigation Grid.

property editor SORT icon Sort

Sort the objects by alphabetic or reverse alphabetic order. Other sort options may be available on some types of objects.

New icon in property editors to create a new object New

Create a new object. It becomes the current object in the editor.

property editor DELETE button Delete

Delete the selected object.

property editor DB SYNC button DB Sync

Open the DB Sync wizard, where you can perform a database-level compare of objects in the current model with matching objects in another model or database.

property editor HELP button Help

Access online help for the editor. Help is editor-specific and includes short definitions of all the available properties.

Note: These are the basic options available for all editors. Depending on the physical object and target server, some editors will contain additional options on the toolbar.