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Create a New Subject Area

You can create a new subject area using the Subject Area Editor.

To create a new subject area

  1. Click Subject Areas on the Model menu.

    The Subject Area Editor opens.

  2. Click the New New icon in property editors to create a new object button.

    A new subject area with the default name is added to the Navigation Grid. You can change the name directly in the Name cell.

  3. Work with the following options:

    Displays the subject area name. You can change the name directly in this field.


    Specifies to automatically populate the selected subject area with all model objects.

  4. Click the General tab and specify common properties for the selected subject area.
  5. Click the Members tab and specify the members of the selected subject area.
  6. (Optional) Click the Definition tab to enter definition text.
  7. (Optional) Click the UDP tab to add subject area user-defined properties.
  8. Click Close.

    A new subject area is created and the Subject Area Editor closes.