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Workplace Panes

Each of the following panes within the workplace is dockable and floatable, and where applicable, contains its own toolbar:

Each pane provides two options for how it displays:

Bulk Editor Pushpin for Auto Hide Auto Hide

Activates auto hide. The pane becomes a tab in the application. When auto hide is activated, the pane is not visible in the workplace unless you hover your mouse over the tab of the hidden pane. When you do this, the pane is temporarily restored to allow you to work in the pane. When your mouse leaves the pane, it becomes auto-hidden once again. To turn off auto hide, mouse over the tab to restore the pane, and then click the pushpin Bulk Editor Pushpin to Turn Off Auto Hide .

Workplace Pane Close Icon Close

Closes the pane. To open the pane again, select the appropriate pane on the View, Windows menu.

Pane grouping functionality is provided to assist you with arranging panes in the workplace. Dockable panes can dock to other dockable panes so that they combine to create multiple tabs in a single dockable pane, or pane group. Similarly, tabs on dockable panes can be undocked / ungrouped and floated or docked to the top level frame window as individual dockable panes. When two or more panes are docked together in a tab group, the tab selection interface displays at the bottom. When panes are not grouped, the tab selection interface is not shown. When tabs are grouped, the title bar on top of the pane changes to the title bar of the currently active tab.

Multiple Docked Panes as Tabs

To dock panes together into a pane group, simply drag and drop one pane over another. To undock, drag the tab of the pane you want to undock and drop it in the workplace.