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Undo and Redo to Selected Transaction

The Undo to Selected Transaction feature in the Action Log lets you undo an entire range, or a sequential group, of transactions at the same time. Conversely, the Redo to Selected Transaction feature lets you restore a sequential group of transactions.

Note: To undo to a selected transaction or redo to a selected transaction, you must be in the Details pane in the Action Log.

As you create transactions on your model, each one moves the previous transaction down the tree in the Action Log, with the first transaction always appearing at the bottom of the tree. When you want to undo a range of consecutive transactions, the transactions above, including the one you select are undone. To redo a range of transactions, the transactions below, including the one you select are redone.

Important! After performing an undo to selected transaction, you will not be able to redo these transactions once you perform a new action, since the new action clears the redo stack.