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Reverse a Transaction

The Reverse feature in the Action Log lets you perform an opposite action on most entries that appear during the current modeling session. When you reverse a transaction, the model reflects the changes made to the Action Log. This feature is only available on the Details pane, and does not sequentially reverse actions.

For example, if the Details pane displays Created [Entity] object:'Entity_5'(id=5) and you select the transaction and click Reverse, a Delete on Entity_5 is implied.

Depending on how complex your model is, when using the Reverse feature, an attempt is made to restore the model to its best state. Use the Activity Log to determine whether your transaction has been properly reversed.

Important! Reverse applies to the entire transaction even if you select only the object or property level node.

To reverse a transaction

  1. Click the Details tab in the Action Log.
  2. Select a node in the tree containing an action that you want to reverse, and click Reverse on the Action Log toolbar.

    The opposite action occurs.

    Note: You cannot perform a reverse action on the topmost node in the tree. Use the Undo feature instead. You also cannot reverse the transaction in which the model was created - this transaction is marked with the pin icon.