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Use Extended Find and Filter

The Extended Find and Filter feature lets you set find and filter criteria and view property changes. This feature is available only on the Summary pane of the Action Log. To open the Extended Find and Filter dialog, click the Extended Find/Filter button on Action Log toolbar.

When the Extended Find and Filter dialog opens, it provides a snapshot of the Summary pane and lets you filter the information that displays so you can easily find the information you want.

To use the Extended Find and Filter option

  1. Click Extended Find and Filter on the Action Log toolbar in the Summary pane.

    The Extended Find and Filter dialog opens.

  2. Click Find on the toolbar.

    The Find Criteria dialog opens.

  3. Select the Properties, Categories, and Classes that you want to find. These options let you filter the information that displays.
  4. Click Find to start the search.

    The Find Criteria dialog closes.

  5. Click the Find Next button on the Extended Find and Filter toolbar to find the next occurrence of the search item.
  6. Click Close.

    The Extended Find and Filter dialog closes.