Using CA Continuous Application Insight › Getting Started with CA Continuous Application Insight › CA Continuous Application Insight Supported Platforms
CA Continuous Application Insight Supported Platforms
CA Continuous Application Insight (CAI) is supported on the following platforms:
- IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0
- IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5
- JBoss 4.2
- JBoss 7
- Jetty 8
- Jetty 9.x
- Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3
- Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.1
- TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.x
- TIBCO Enterprise Message Service 6.3
- webMethods Integration Server 9.0
- webMethods Integration Server 9.5
The following JDBC drivers and databases are supported for JDBC virtualization:
- Apache Derby
- Apache Derby 4.2.3 JDBC driver to Apache Derby database
- Oracle
- Oracle 11g JDBC driver to Oracle 11g database
- Oracle 11g JDBC driver to Oracle 12c database
- IBM DB2:
- IBM DB2 9.5 JDBC driver to IBM DB2 9.5 database
- IBM DB2 9.5 JDBC driver to IBM DB2 9.8 database
- IBM DB2 9.5 JDBC driver to IBM DB2 10.5 database
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 database
- Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 to Microsoft SQL Server 2012 database
- jTDS 1.3.1 JDBC driver to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 database
- jTDS 1.3.1 JDBC driver to Microsoft SQL Server 2012 database
Open the DevTest Portal
You open the DevTest Portal from a web browser.
Note: For information about the server components that must be running, see Start the DevTest Processes or Services in Installing.
Follow these steps:
- Complete one of the following actions:
- Enter http://localhost:1507/devtest in a web browser. If the registry is on a remote computer, replace localhost with the name or IP address of the computer.
- Select View, DevTest Portal from DevTest Workstation.
- Enter your user name and password.
- Click Log in.
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