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DevTest Portal

This section contains the following topics:

Open the DevTest Portal

Navigating the DevTest Portal

Open the DevTest Portal

You open the DevTest Portal from a web browser.

Note: For information about the server components that must be running, see Start the DevTest Processes or Services in Installing.

Follow these steps:

  1. Complete one of the following actions:
  2. Enter your user name and password.
  3. Click Log in.

Navigating the DevTest Portal

Browse to the DevTest Portal. Substitute the host name of the DevTest Server on which the following processes or services are running: Registry, Portal, Broker, and VSE.


Log in to the DevTest Portal with your user ID and password. If you do not have one, log in as a standard user. See your administrator for details.

Use the DevTest Portal homepage to access pages for major activities and the corresponding documentation. You can expand any section of the navigation pane to display links to relevant tasks. Click a link to display the UI for a selected task, typically a tab on the Portal. Some links redirect you to the DevTest Console.

Log into the DevTest Portal. View the left-hand panel.

For links you will use most often, you can click the corresponding Quick Links option. For related documentation, click the corresponding Getting Started link. The Getting Started and Quick Links panes appear in the Home tab.

Note: The first time that you click a Getting Started link, a login dialog opens. Your login to view the documentation persists throughout your session on the DevTest Portal.

Getting Started and Quck Links are displayed in the Home page.

Details on the mapping of the Quick Links and Getting Started options to the navigation menu options follows.


Perform common create actions.

Notice the icon following the Virtualize using RR pairs. This icon indicates that clicking the link redirects you to another UI.

Maps Create options to Getting Started and Quick Links

API Test

Opens: API Test tab

Getting Started: How to create a test in Using CA Application Test

Quick Links: Create Tests

Virtualize Website (HTTP/S)

Opens: Virtualize Website (HTTP/S) tab

Getting Started: How to record and save a virtual service in Using CA Service Virtualization

Quick Links: Create a Virtual Service

Virtualize JDBC

Opens: Virtualize JDBC tab

Topic: JDBC in Using CA Service Virtualization

Virtualize RR Pairs

Redirect: DevTest Console

Opens: Create Virtual Service on VSEasy tab

Topic: Create and Deploy a Virtual Service with VSEasy in Using CA Service Virtualization


Manage test artifacts.

Maps the Manage panel to Getting Started and Quick Links

API Test

Manage tests that were created with the DevTest Portal.

Getting Started: How to manage test artifacts, Manage API Tests in Using CA Application Test

Quick Links: Manage Tests

Test: Current Status (Today)


View information about test cases and run test cases that were created with DevTest Workstation.

Getting Started: How to manage test artifacts, Manage Tests in Using CA Application Test

Quick Links: Manage Tests

Test: Current Status (Today)

Test Suites

View information about test suites and run test suites that were created with DevTest Workstation.

Getting Started: How to manage test artifacts, Manage Test Suites in Using CA Application Test

Quick Links: Manage Tests

Test: Current Status (Today)

Virtual Services

Opens tabs: http-rest, WebServicesModel, http

Getting Started: How to edit a virtual service in Using CA Service Virtualization

Quick Links: Manage Virtual Services


Monitor tests or virtual services. When there are no tests or suites that meet selection criteria, you can click "Create a Test" or "Execute a Test"

Maps Monitoring Tests in left pane to the corresponding links in Getting Started and Quick Links.

Monitoring Tests

The Monitor Test window lets you see API tests, test cases, and test suites that have been run on CA Application Test.

Click the filter button to toggle the search options.

Opens: Monitoring Tests tab

Getting Started: How to monitor a test in Using CA Application Test

Quick Links: Monitor Tests

Virtual Services

Redirect: DevTest Console

Opens: Server Console, DevTest Network, where you can click VSE

Topic: Create and Deploy a Virtual Service with VSEasy in Using CA Service Virtualization

Application Insight

Start common tasks with CA Continuous Application Insight.

Application Insight expanded view with Getting Started and Quick Links.

Analyze Transactions

Opens: Analyze Transactions tab

Getting Started: How to work with the shelf in Using CA Continuous Application Insight

Quick Links: Analyze Business Transactions

Document Transactions

Opens: Document Transactions tab

Getting Started: How to document transactions for a manual test in Using CA Continuous Application Insight

Manage Tickets

Opens: Manage Tickets tab

Getting Started: How to manage a ticket in Using CA Continuous Application Insight

Quick Links: Manage Tickets

Explore Defects

Opens: Explore Defects tab

Topic: Working with Defects in Using CA Continuous Application Insight


The Settings tab has no Quick Links entries or Getting Started links.

Settings expands to show Agents, Mainframe Agents, Access Control, and Reporting.


Opens: Agents tab

Topics: See Agents.

Mainframe Agents

Redirects: DevTest Console, Server Console, DevTest Network

Topic: Mainframe Bridge in Agents.

Access Control

Redirects: DevTest Console, Server Console. Expand the Administration tab to display Security options.

Topic: Access control (ACL) in Administering.


Redirects: DevTest Console, Reporting

Topics: Reports in Using CA Application Test.

DevTest Portal Home Page

The home page of DevTest Portal contains a collection of portlets that let you monitor the activity of your application. Each portlet displays information of a DevTest component that can be manually refreshed.

The home page contains the following portlets:

Getting Started

Displays links to documentation topics that describe key functions of the portal.

Quick Links

Displays links to DevTest Solutions operations.


Displays a link to the DevTest documentation, to ask a question to the DevTest Community, and to report an issue.

Virtual Services: Current Status

Displays the current, total count of transactions, the number of virtual services that are deployed, and the number of virtual services that are recorded.

Test: Current Status

Displays the available test results. Clicking Show More... navigates you to the Monitoring Test window.

Agents: Current Status

Displays the status for an agent. Selecting an agent name or Show More... navigates you to the agent management operations in the Agents window. To view the current agent information, manually refresh the portlet.

New Ticket Alerts

Displays a list of new tickets and a count of new, identified, or closed tickets. The name, date, and time of the ticket displays in the list. Selecting the ticket, New, Identified, or Closed navigates you to Manage Tickets window. The Manage Tickets window lets you view tickets, update existing tickets, view a list of tickets, and search for tickets in the CA Continuous Application Insight database.

Path Alerts

Displays a list of paths with exception flags. Selecting a path navigates you to the Explore Defects window.

Points of Interest

Displays a list of all the points of interest that were pinned in Explore Defects. Selecting the name in the list of Points of Interest navigates you to the Explore Defects window.