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Reactivate a Registry or Enterprise Dashboard

The DevTest Installation Setup Wizard for 8.0 and above configures new registries. When you start the Enterprise Dashboard and the registries, the registries are automatically activated. However, if there are subsequent changes to any of the following, reactivation is needed.

Follow these steps:

  1. If the host name or port of the Enterprise Dashboard changes:
    1. Log on to the computer with the Enterprise Dashboard.
    2. Navigate to LISA_HOME and open
    3. Update the following line if the host name or port of the Enterprise Dashboard changes.
    4. Save the file.
    5. Restart the Enterprise Dashboard.
  2. Verify that the Enterprise Dashboard is running.
  3. If the host name of the server where the registry is installed changes, restart the registry to reactivate it.
  4. If the registry name, or registry port of any registry changes:
    1. Log on to the computer where there has been a change to the registry.
    2. Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to LISA_HOME.
    3. Start the registry with a new name or port. For example:
      ./bin/Registry.exe -n “tcp://localhost:2093/MyRegistry”
  5. Verify registry reconfiguration.