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CA Service Virtualization and SSL

During CA Service Virtualization recording, the SSL Server application is the System Under Test.

Use SSL (between Recorder and target server)

If the Use SSL check box between the recorder and server is selected, the recorder communicates with the target server through an SSL connection. By default, the recorder trusts all server certificates.

If the target server requests Client Authentication (two-way SSL), the recorder sends the certificate that is specified in the fields below the Use SSL check box. If no certificate information is specified, the recorder uses the values that are specified in the (the ssl.client.cert.* properties) file of the VSE server where recording is performed.

Use SSL between Client and Recorder

If the Use SSL check box between the client and recorder is selected, the client communicates with the recorder through an SSL connection. In this portion of the recording, the recorder is the delegate for the target server and must send back a server certificate when the client initiates a request. The certificate that is sent back to the client is the one specified in the fields below the Use SSL check box.

Playback of the VSM

If you select Use SSL to Client, an SSL handshake occurs between the client application or test case client and the VSM. The keystore that is provided in the VSM Listen step is used as the Server certificate for one-way authentication. There is no SSL handshake between the client and the VSM. The handshake is straight HTTP.

If the Live Invocation step was executed, an SSL handshake occurs between the VSM client to the real server. If the real server requests client authentication, the keystore in the HTTP/S Protocol Live Invocation step is used.

If the keystore contains multiple certificates, CA Service Virtualization uses the first one.