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Record a Website (HTTP or HTTP/S)

To record a virtual service from an HTTP/S website, enter information about the HTTP transport protocol in the bottom pane of the Create Virtual Service window.

Service Virtualization Create Virtual Services Website (HTTP/S)

Follow these steps:

  1. CA Service Virtualization has chosen a default host for the VS Recorder and displays that IP address. To change the name or IP address of this host where the recorder is running, select another IP address from the drop-down. If there are multiple host IP addresses, and you want to record on all of those IP addresses, "All" is provided as the first option in the drop-down and is selected by default.
  2. To enter or change the target port for the VS Recorder, click the lock icon to enable the field for input. Enter a port number that the recorder uses as a listen port of incoming requests.
  3. To specify the website to record, enter the URL in the Enter Target URL field. The following formats are accepted:

    Note: As the target URL is typed into this field, VSE validates that the URL format. Once the field is fully typed, and you tab out or enter, VSE makes a call to the target server to ensure that it is reachable. An appropriate error message is shown.

  4. Select or clear the Do not modify host header parameter received from client check box.

    If selected, this option instructs the live invocation to forward the host header that is received from the client application to the target server. If cleared, the live invocation regenerates the host header parameter to be host: <target host>:<target port>.

    Note: As you enter information, watch the top of the window for error messages that highlight invalid entries.

    Note: Notice that the graphic for the recording changes color as the components are validated. In the preceding graphic, both the VS Recorder and the server are colored, indicating that they have been validated.

    The status of the recording changes from "Draft" to "Ready" when all the mandatory information required for recording is entered. The status shows on the blue Status button. To get more details for the recording, click Status.

  5. Choose one of the following options:
  6. (Optional) If you select one or both Use SSL check boxes, complete the following fields:
    SSL keystore file

    Specifies the name of the keystore file.

    To find a keystore file on the file system, click Browse.

    SSL Keystore password

    Specifies the password that is associated with the specified keystore file.

    SSL Key alias

    Designates an alias for a public key.

    SSL Key password

    Specifies the password that is associated with the specified alias in the keystore file.

  7. (Optional) To validate the SSL parameters, click Validate. As you enter data into the SSL fields, the system performs progressive validation.
  8. Click Start Recording.

    Note: If you start a recording at the recording panel, record some transactions, click Next, then click Prev to go back to the recording panel, you go back to the configuration steps.

  9. When you have finished recording, click Next.