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Pin Annotated Transactions for Point of Interest

After you annotate defect transactions in the Explore Defects window, you can pin them so that they are visible and display in the Points of Interest list of the Home page.

The following graphic displays a defective transaction that is pinned.


Follow these steps:

  1. In the Explore Defects window, right-click the node with the violation and select Pin Transaction.
  2. Enter a description and click OK.

    The transaction displays a blue pin. The tooltip contains the pin description that was entered.

  3. Go to the Home page and click Refresh in the Points of Interest portlet.

    The pinned transaction displays in the Points of Interest list.

To unpin an annotated transaction:

  1. In the Explore Defects pane, right-click the blue pinned node and select Remove Pin.

    The pin is removed.

  2. Go to the Home page and click Refresh in the Points of Interest portlet.

    The pinned transaction is removed from the Points of Interest list.