Using CA Application Test › Using the Workstation and Console with CA Application Test › Building Documents › Building Staging Documents › Staging Document Examples
Staging Document Examples
Sample staging documents are provided in the StagingDocs folder of the examples project. All of them use the Run N Times load pattern and the Percent Distribution pattern.
You can use these documents as the starting point of your new staging document. Then, rename it to save it under a different name.
- 1User0Think_RunContinuously.stg: This staging document runs a single virtual user with zero think time. This staging document runs the test continuously, which does not necessarily mean forever.
- 1user1cycle0think.stg: This staging document runs a single virtual user one time with zero think time.
- ip-spoofing.stg: This staging document lets you test IP spoofing support.
- jboss-jmx-metrics-localhost.stg: This staging document runs three concurrent virtual users one time for 440 seconds.
- Run1User1Cycle.stg: This staging document runs a single virtual user one time with 100 percent think time.
- Run1User1CyclePF.stg: This staging document runs a single virtual user one time with 100 percent think time. CAI is enabled.
- Run1User1CycleShowAll.stg: This staging document runs a single virtual user one time with 100 percent think time. CAI is enabled.
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