Previous Topic: Step 6 - Activate Config FileNext Topic: Step 8 - Record the Test Case

Step 7 - Configure the VSE Recorder

With the endpoint set, you are now ready to configure the VSE Recorder.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click VSE Recorder Main Toolbar VSE Recorder icon in the main toolbar.

    On the Basics tab, configure the settings for the virtual service image, which stores the data. Configure the setting for the virtual service model, which creates the transaction workflow model.

  2. Replace the default service image name, newimage.vsi, in the Write image to field with VSETutorial.vsi.
  3. Leave the Import traffic field blank.

    For this tutorial, you will not import an existing traffic file.

  4. Select the transport protocol HTTP/S.

    For this tutorial, you do not desensitize the data because you do not pass sensitive data (such as Social Security numbers or bank account numbers). Continue to the Export to field, which is used to export a raw traffic file of the recording. The exported file serves as raw backup of the entire recording session.

  5. Click Browse, name the file rt_VSETutorial, and save it in the VServices folder.

    The "rt_" prefix indicates this file is a raw traffic file.

  6. Click Browse to create the virtual service model file.
  7. Enter the name VSETutorial and click Save.
  8. Leave the VS Model style selections as they are, and click Next.

    On the next window, you designate the ports for the recorder.

  9. By default, the recorder listens and records on port 8001, which you set as the endpoint in the VSRecorder config file. Add localhost to the Target host field.
  10. Update the Target port, or the port the live LISA Bank system transactions are on, to 8080.

    Screenshot of VSI Recorder port selection screen, listening on port 8001 and Target port of 8080

  11. Select the Gateway option for the Recorder passthru style.

    With these settings completed, you can start recording.

  12. Click Next.
  13. Continue with "Step 8 - Record the Test Case".