Using CA Continuous Application Insight › Creating Baselines › WebSphere MQ Baselines › WebSphere MQ Baseline Suites
WebSphere MQ Baseline Suites
The test cases in a WebSphere MQ baseline suite are located in the Baselines folder, instead of the Tests folder.
The suite document is located in the Suites folder.
The test cases in a WebSphere MQ baseline suite are similar to WebSphere MQ baseline test cases. However, they do not include a Large Data data set. The data is stored in the steps instead.
For binary payloads, the test cases have the following steps:
- A Parse Text as Response step that contains a Base64 representation of the original request payload
- An Output Log Message step that writes a human-readable version of the original request payload to the log file
- A Java Script step that decodes the actual request payload from Base64 notation into an array of bytes
- A WebSphere MQ step that sends the request
- A WebSphere MQ step that receives the response
- A Parse Text as Response step that contains a Base 64 representation of the original response payload
- An Output Log Message step that writes a human-readable version of the original response payload to the log file
- A Java Script step that encodes the actual response payload from an array of bytes into Base64 notation
When you run the suite, the outcome of each test is shown in the Baseline Results panel.
Note: For information about how to run a suite, see Run a Test Suite in Using CA Application Test.
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