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Run a Test Suite

A test suite lets you group related test cases and test suites and run them as a single test. A test suite document specifies the contents of the suite, the reports to generate, and the metrics to collect. These reports and metrics relate to the suite as a whole. Each test in the suite still produces its own reports and metrics. Each test still retains the ability to use its own staging document, configuration, and audit document. Therefore, tests in a suite can be run in a distributed environment.

When a suite is included in a suite, the individual tests in the included suite are extracted from the suite and run as individual tests in the current suite. The defaults from the included suite and the startup and teardown settings are ignored.

In DevTest Workstation, you can configure and stage the test suite, monitor the tests while they are running, and view the reports at the conclusion of the test.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the test suite in DevTest Workstation.
  2. Select Actions, Run from the main menu.

    This action opens a menu where you select whether to run locally or to run with a specified registry.

    The Run Suite Locally dialog opens.

  3. Enter the name of the test suite.
  4. Select the configuration from the drop-down list.
  5. Click Stage.

The Stage Suite Execution window opens and the tests start.