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Object Call Tree Panel

As you manipulate your Java object (Customer), the Object Call Tree expands to track the calls that are invoked and the associated parameter values.

As an example, an Object Call Tree after several methods have been invoked follows:

Object Call Tree after several methods have been invoked

Object Call Tree Icons

The following icons are used to identify the branches in the Object Call Tree:



Icon for the Complex Object Editor type

The type (class) of the object currently loaded, followed by response from calling toString method of object.

Icon for the Complex Object Editor constructor

The constructor that was called. This is shown if multiple constructors exist.

Icon for the Complex Object Editor non-executed method call

A method call that has not been executed.

Icon for the executed method call

A method call that has been executed.

Icon for the Complex Object Editor input parameter

The input parameters (type and current value) for the enclosing method.

Icon for the Complex Object Editor return value

The return value (current value if call has been executed) for the enclosing method.

Clicking an item in the Object Call Tree displays the appropriate set of tabs in the Data Sheet and Call Sheet in the right panel.

Right-clicking an item in the Object Call Tree displays a menu.

You can execute all calls or you can mark all calls as unexecuted in the Object Call Tree.