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LisaQCRunner Command-Line Interface

The LisaQCRunner executable in the LISA_HOME\bin directory lets you run Quality Center DevTest tests from the command line. You can persist results in the Quality Center database.

This executable has the following format:

LisaQCRunner [-h host] [-P port] [-u user] [-p password] [-D domain] [-l project] run|debug|reload testname|all 

The default host is localhost. The default port is 8080. The default user is admin. The default password is admin. The default domain is DEFAULT. The default project is Test.

The project argument is the Quality Center project, not the DevTest project.


Runs the test name that you specify as an argument. The output appears in the command window. The results are persisted in Quality Center.


Runs the test name that you specify as an argument. The output appears in the command window. The results are not persisted in Quality Center.


Reloads the test name that you specify as an argument, or all DevTest tests (if the argument is all).

The following example shows a run of the rest-example test case.

LisaQCRunner -h -P 8080 -u admin -p mypassword -D DEFAULT -l myproject run RunWithTestandStage
Running RunWithTestAndStage with the following parameters:
Test Doc: file:///c:/lisa/examples/tests/rest-example.tst
Staging Doc: file:///c:/lisa/examples/stagingdocs/1user1cycle0think.stg
List Users - XML     EVENT_NODE_HISTORY     Unique Identifier: 63366561643365642D643834302D3461 ...
List Users - JSON     EVENT_NODE_HISTORY     Unique Identifier: 63366561643365642D643834302D3461 ...
Get User - XML     EVENT_NODE_HISTORY     Unique Identifier: 63366561643365642D643834302D3461 ...
Create User - XML     EVENT_NODE_HISTORY     Unique Identifier: 63366561643365642D643834302D3461 ...