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Input Commands

The following input commands are available on the Reports for Job panel:


Terminates the current display and displays the previous panel; changed data is not saved.

Valid entries are CAN and CANCEL.


Enables or disables the display of the Confirm Delete panel when definition data is to be deleted using the D selection code. The default is ON. Confirmation is automatically enabled when a new command is entered on the Primary Selection Menu panel.

The syntax of the CONFIRM command is as follows:




Indicates to enable the Confirm Delete panel. No subsequent delete requests are processed without requesting user confirmation.


Indicates to disable the Confirm Delete panel. All subsequent delete requests are processed without requesting user confirmation.


Copies definition specifications from another job definition.

The syntax of the COPY command is as follows:

COPY jobname from-string to-string



Identifies the job name from which the report specifications are to be copied.


Identifies a series of characters that is matched against the report identifier names being copied.

If the from-string characters are found in the report identifier name, the characters are replaced with the to-string characters to form a new report identifier name. The report definition data from the original report identifier name is automatically copied to the new report identifier name excluding its bundle references.

If the from-string characters are not found in the report identifier name or if the resulting report identifier name exists, the report identifier is not changed and must be manually changed on the Reports for Job panel.

The default for from-string is the name of the job being copied; the default for to-string is the name of the current job being displayed.

If reports are being added into existing job data, specify the A or B selection code to identify the destination of the copy.


Scans columnar data for a string of characters, then scrolls to and displays the entry at the top of the panel.

The syntax of the FIND command is as follows:

FIND string column [ FIRST | NEXT | LAST | PREV ] NOT

You can enter the FIND command as F.

The string specification identifies the search data. The string is matched against data starting in the first character of the search column.

The FIND command does not locate data that is embedded within the column. If the string contains special characters, enclose the string within quotation marks. The string specification can be omitted when searching the Stepname, Procstep name, and DDname fields.

The column name specification identifies the field that is to be searched.

If omitted, the report identifier (REPORT) field is searched. The following columns can be searched:


Step name.

You can enter Stepname as STEP.


Procedure step name.

You can enter PROCSTEP as PROC.


Data definition name.

You can enter DDname as DD.


Report identifier.

You can enter REPORT as RID or R. If a column name is not specified, REPORT is the default.


Report type.

The location specification identifies the origin and direction of the search. If omitted, the search begins with the row at the top of the current display. The location specifications are as follows:


Starts the search at the beginning of the table and proceeds forward to the end of the table.


Starts the search after the row that appears at the top of the current display and proceeds forward to the end of the table.


Starts the search at the end of the table and proceeds backward to the beginning of the table.


Starts the search before the row that appears at the top of the current display and proceeds backward to the beginning of the table.

The NOT specification indicates that the column is to be searched for data that is not equal to the string specified on the FIND command.

Note: For more information about the FIND command, see Input Commands in the chapter "Basics."


Locates the next occurrence of a previously issued FIND command.

If another occurrence is not found, a not‑found message displays. Typically, PF5 and PF17 are defined as the RFIND key.